Chapter Twenty Four

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Author note- I'm back bitches ! Lol I know its been a while since I've updated well, that's all gonna change because I'm going to be updating way more often because I want to give you guys the best material I can offer. I am starting back up my YouTube channel with my best friend so be sure to check that out, I will definitely be posting the link up on my twitter when its up ! My twitter is @50ShadesOfNash_


Cassandra's POV

Its Monday, the worst part of the week, the first day back to school from the weekend. The weekend felt longer than just two days, it felt like 2 years. Sure, Chad is behind bars but so is my best friend, and four months can change a lot of things.

"Babe, its time to get up." Nash said to me, I didn't realize that I haven't opened my eyes until he spoke. "I can take a sick day" I said rolling the opposite way from my previous position. "Well I'm not going to let you," Nash continued. My bed squeaked as he got up and off of my bed. Nash then ripped the covers away from my grip, making my legs bury into my stomach like a little cocoon . "Come on Cass, you have to get up." Nash said to me. I just sat there staring into space until I brought myself back to earth , "Can I just stay home today ? I just had my best friend taken away from me for four months , the last thing I want to do is go out to the public and put a fake smile on my face." I said with a little tremble in my voice. "Okay, I'll just go to your classes and get your work for today , do you still have your schedule ?" Nash asked as he rubbed my back , " can't you just stay home with me ?" I asked silently. "I would , but my football try outs start today and I can't miss practice. I'm sorry , but I'll be home later on, I promise." Nash said as he kissed my forehead. I let out a sigh ,"my schedule is over in my small pocket of my backpack." Nash grabbed my schedule and headed out my bedroom door. After I heard the front door slam , I looked around my room in search for my notebook. Once I found it I grabbed a pen and started to write...

Well, it's been awhile since I've wrote out my thoughts. Its kind of hard to do so with everything that's been going on in my life recently. Just yesterday , my abusive ex boyfriend was put into jail. You think I would be thrilled , but no, I'm the exact opposite of that. My best friend got put into jail for four months. I can't imagine what she is feeling right now , she's alone, with no one to talk to for four months. I would go crazy... And to think , if it wasn't for me , she wouldn't be in that cell. I kind of set her up for it, I turned my best friend in, I mean I didn't mean to. But it turned out that way. I would rather go through what had happened to me all over again then to have my best friend in jail . If only I just stayed with Chad and didn't tell Nash anything , we wouldn't be in this mess ! Why am I such a bad friend ? This is all my fault ...

A knock on my door knocked me out of my thoughts and back into reality, "come in," I said as my voice cracked. "Hey, I made breakfast if you want some." Cam said as his head peered into my bedroom door. "Um , no thanks . I'm good for now." I said as Cam shut the door and went back downstairs. I rolled my eyes and threw my notebook and pen across my room, resulting in a slight thud against the wall. My hands pulled at the ends of my hair. It's all your fault .. Kept repeating over and over and over in my head. I went downstairs a few minutes after Cam came up to my room and got some coffee.

I normally don't drink hot coffee , but I was dying to feel that burning sensation on the roof of my mouth and the surface of my tongue and try to block out the little voice in my head saying it's all your fault..

Once the coffee reached my lips, I felt that burning sensation I desired in all the places I requested . I could feel the hot liquid go down my throat and disappear.

I've never enjoyed something so small, so simple in my entire life. Especially since its hot coffee.

I took my coffee up to my room , waiting for Nash to get home , but more importantly, hoping that these four months go by fast.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter , I can't wait for you guys to read more. I will update the next chapter on the 14th of this month . I'm sorry this is such a short chapter , comment me what you think of the book so far and vote if you liked this chapter.

Love you guys !

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