Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Cassandra's POV

I've been sort of avoiding Chads calls and texts ever since last night when me and Nash talked. My cheek is sore from last nights events that occurred when I was out with Chad. You're probably wondering why how it happened ? Or what did I do that could make Chad so angry to connect his hand to the side of my face ? Well, the answer is simple.


Chad saw the way Nash treated me at dinner the other night and it rubbed him the wrong way and it pretty much went down hill from there. Lets just say I sort of defended Nash and his rude behavior and Chad didn't like it.

I didn't tell Nash the exact reason why he slapped me because I didn't want him to get involved in my relationship. It was my problem, not Nash's. I thought the best way to act like it never happened was pretend like nothing is wrong so people wouldn't question me.

Once I woke up I went down stairs and exchanged good mornings with Kara as usual. "So you have any plans ? Or are you too busy with Chad to hang out with your best friend today ?" She asked laughing. "Umm, no actually I'm completely free today. " I said happily.

"Good cause me Cameron Nash and Jasmine are all going to the beach today if you wanna come. We'll be there pretty much all day." Kara explained.

"Yeah, that actually sounds fun. I'll go get my stuff ready." I replied as I rushed back up the stairs to go start packing for the beach. Once I entered my room I looked through my phone to see over 15 texts and 12 missed calls from Chad. I wasn't feeling the need to respond so I just turned my phone off and decided to keep it off until we got back from the beach.

We were soon pulling up to Santa Monica beach. I was happy that I was with my friends but I kind of missed Chads company. Sure he slapped me last night but can't I over look that ?

We went to go pick a spot on the burning sand. Kara and Cameron were the first to get in the water. "Aren't you coming ?" Asked Jasmine, I actually thought she seemed pretty nice the more I hung around her. I mean she wasn't that bad. "Umm, no. Im just gonna sit here for a little while."

Jasmine went off into the water joining Cameron and Kara, where's Nash ?

My question was quickly answer as he came next to me and dropped the cooler by my side making me jump a bit. "Scared much ?" He asked with a chuckle vibrating through his chest. "Just a little." I said rubbing my arm. "I know it's none of my business but have you talked to Chad ?" He asked hesitantly. "Umm no actually I've been sort of avoiding him ever since last night." I confessed.

"You think I should talk to him and hear what he has to say ?" I added. "Well it depends on whether or not you feel safe with talking to him." Nash answered.

Do I feel safe talking to Chad ? I don't even know if I know the answer to that question myself. "Okay." Is all I could get out. With that the conversation about Chad ended so I decided to enjoy the time I had at the beach.

We called it a day and started to head back to the car once we grabbed everything we had. It went Cameron, Nash, Kara, Jasmine then me walking one in front of the other. I wasn't paying any attention, like most of the time, until I was drawn out of my thoughts after being yanked by the arm and pulled to the side, dropping the items I was carrying. Chad came into view, "What the fuck do you think you're doing ?" He said not letting go of the grip he has on my arm. "What are you talking about ?" I asked scared. "First I tell you to stop being friends with him and now you're practically ignoring my calls and texts. Then I see Kara's post on Facebook about the beach and I come here and I see you with him." Chad said getting angrier than he did last night. "You forgot to mention the part when you slapped me and that I told you I am not friends with him, he hates me and I hate him what about that do you not understand ?!" I said raising my voice.

"If you hate him so much then you would've stopped seeing him when I told you too." He said getting closer to my face. "I'm not going to do what you say just because it comes out your damn mouth. I'm not your bitch !" I screamed a bit louder. The next thing I know he pushed me against the brick wall, knocking my head and held my wrists tight, too tight.

"Don't you ever talk to me that way. I am your boyfriend." He said inches away from my face. He held me there for a couple seconds while tears were forming in my eyes. His facial expressions went from angry to guilt. He let go of his firm grip on my small wrists and backed away from my giving me more space. "Cass, I'm so sorry. It was an accid-"

"No.." I said putting my hand up to his face to stop him dead in his tracks, "We're done here." I said sternly with no emotion on my face like there was just moments ago, I walked away from Chad and picked up all the items I dropped when he grabbed me and sped walked to the car to meet back up with Kara, Cameron, Jasmine and Nash.

Authors Note-Hoped you guys liked this chapter because I had a pretty good time writing it. I've never written something so dramatic and violent so I hoped it was good for being the first time I've written something like this.

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