Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Today is the day I get to see Kara and get an actual goodbye that I deserve. "Babe , hurry up we have to get there on time." Nash scolded me as I was putting on my makeup , "You don't need to wear makeup to a jail." Nash stated. I rolled my eyes at him as I continued to apply the finishing touches to my makeup.

"I have to say , this is the first time you're getting out in a little over a month." Cam says as I appear down the stairs with Nash following behind me. I sent Cam a simple smile, "I wouldn't miss seeing my best friend for the world." I said , as we headed out the door and into Cam's car.

We were getting closer and closer to our destination , and the closer we got , the more my heart started to race. I believe Nash felt my nerves as he gently squeezed my hand. I looked up and gave him a sweet smile then went back to glaring out the window. I got excited as I could see the prison in the distance. I don't know if I was ready to do this , thinking about it is different from actually doing it. I was scared to see if prison has changed Kara and to see what she has been up to. I haven't exactly talked to her ever since she walked away with those guards. I mean sure she has called , but I didn't want to talk to her over the phone , now that I think about it , that sounds rude of me , but I wanted to talk to her in person and maybe get some closure. I just want to make sure she is okay , and once she tells me she is okay , I can finally move on with my life and maybe go back to my daily routine. Maybe I could go back to school , I might have missed volleyball season , but I still have try outs for soccer and softball season.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when we are in this little room that isn't big enough, if everyone had visitors at the same time we would all be screwed. I laugh at my thoughts , it's an unfamiliar thing I haven't experienced in awhile. I see Kara come around the corner and I try to get up to say hi and give her a big hug , but Cam stops me. I look at him with a confused look sketched across my face, "We can't come in physical contact with the inmates..." He told me, I guess that's understandable. So, i waited for Kara to sit down across from us at the table we sat at. "You don't know how happy I am to see all of you." Kara says with a smile. "We are happy to see you too." I said happily. "How is everything ?" I asked. "Urgh, awful ! They make us wear these hideous outfits, we only get 30 second showers because our water system is all fucked up, all these girls are trying to get at me , I mean it's flattering but still, I have no hair brush to keep my mane tamed so I've had to put my hair up in a ponytail and you know I hate to have my hair up..." She paused trying to think of anything else.

"I guess prison isn't your thing ?" Cam said trying to lighten the mood. Kara rolled her eyes at him, "You think ? Can you guys bring me some stuff. I've seen visitors bring stuff to other inmates. I really need a hairbrush." Kara said in a plead like tone. "sure thing." Cam said grabbing Kara's hand and gently squeezing it, sending her a sweet smile. "So enough about me... How is everything at home ? You guys haven't burned down the apartments yet have you ?!" Kara said looking concerned , but then laughed at her joke. "No , and everything has been fine. The boys have moved in so I won't be alone at the apartment because Nash doesn't like the idea of that happening." I said laughing at Nash's ridiculous reasoning. Nash nudged my arm playfully. Cameron looked at me , "Cass , is there anything else you want to tell Kara ?" Cam edged on. He probably wants me to tell Kara that i haven't been attending school , that I'm practically a drop out at this point , but I don't want her to worry. If this visit goes the way I want it to , I might consider going back to school. "No.." I said. "What's going on ?" Kara asked confused.

"She hasn't been attending school for over a month..." Nash said out loud. I looked to him with anger rising in my eyes, I can't believe he said it. I would've expected Cam to say it before Nash. When I turned to look back at Kara , Kara was already looking at me. If looks could kill, I would have been dead. "Can I talk to Cassandra, alone." Kara directed to Cam and Nash. They both nodded and left to go wait in the lobby. "When were you going to tell me ?" Kara asked. "I was going to tell you , but I didn't know how to tell you."

"Why would you drop out ?" Kara asked again. "Okay ... I didn't drop out exactly. I have all the work from all my classes that I have done for this pass month that I just have to turn in when I go back. I was planning on going back. I just needed to visit you and make sure you were okay. Are you okay ?" I asked. "I'm fine." She said. "What you described didn't seem like you were fine." I pointed out. "Well , yeah it's a pain in the ass , but I'm getting used to it. I only have three more months in this hell hole. I'm fine, are you happy ?" Kara exclaimed. "I don't know, my best friend got taken away and put in jail because of my dumbass ex boyfriend, me and Nash aren't talking as much because I've been depressed as shit because I'm trying to let everything sink in that has happened a little over a month ago, Cam has been checking on me every hour to make sure I am okay.... So no , I don't know if I'm okay , but I will be okay if I leave today with some closure." I told Kara. "Listen, the more you let all of this sink in , the longer it's gonna take for these next three months to go by. Do me and yourself a favor and go back to school, do you and these three months will go by faster than we know it." Kara said. I nodded and agreed to go back to school, we got up at the same time to say goodbye. I couldn't help but to hug her as tightly as I could. "Is this the closure you were talking about ?" Kara asked as she laughed. "Yes..." I said as we released from our hug. "See you later." Kara said waving goodbye, "see ya on the flip side." I said back as I continued toward the door that lead out to the lobby. I looked up to be met with Nash standing next to Cam who was sitting. Once Cam saw me he stood up next to Nash, "You ready ?" Nash asked , I nodded as we headed out the door.

My Enemy Is My Lover | Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now