Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

Nash's POV

Shit shit shit shit, he knew. I don't know who else even saw us or if they were too blackout drunk to remember.

"Are you sure you saw me man? Cause you could probably be mixing up faces or something, especially if you had some of that alcohol last night. That stuff was killer." I tried to brush him off. "No, it was you. And I know it was you because I don't drink, so I was fully aware of who was doing what." Joseph said. "Listen dude, man to man, I was wasted and it was an accident. I didn't sleep with the chick or anything. I swear. I just made out with her, but nothing more than that. I feel terrible that I don't remember doing that, and especially that I have a girlfriend. I already know I fucked up and I feel shitty for it." I explained myself.

"So what? You just want me to believe that you didn't sleep with a random chick at a party?"

"Dude, there's no need to fight me on this. The girl wasn't fully sober herself, but she was sober enough to stop me dead in my tracks. I am positive we didn't do anything. I would never."

"You were close to it though, right?" Joseph questioned me. "No, okay dude, it's hard to explain or even remember for that matter. Just do me a solid and not get involved with all this. I am obviously going to tell my girlfriend. I just haven't exactly had the right time to do so." I tried to reason with Joseph.

"Fine. But if you don't tell her soon, I know someone else will, I mean I couldn't have been the only sober person there who saw it."

I knew I had to tell Cass before she found it out herself, because I know she would be even more pissed at me if she didn't find it out from me straight away. I just really hope this goes better than expected. I know I probably will lose all sense of trust from Cass, but I have to tell her regardless. She deserves that.

*a few hours later*

"Let me drive you home." I told Cass. "How, you brought your car today?" She questioned. "I asked Cam to do a bit of his magic, and come and get the car just so I can take you home." I said as Cass let out a giggle.

We drove back to her and Kara's apartment. I walked her up to the doorstep, "you know what? We should go on a date." I said surprisingly. Cass looked back in amazement at my choice of words. "Yeah, okay. We'll plan one then."

"No, no, no..... I mean right now." I stated.

"Right now?" She questioned.

"Right now. Unless you're not up for it?" I challenged her. She scoffs at my word play, "You're on." She said playfully as we raced to the car like fifth graders. "Where shall we go?" She asked once we got in the car, "well, I'm guessing you'll just have to find out..." I smirked as a winked followed my previous gesture.

I decided to take her to the fun go-carting place that obviously had go carts and an arcade, afterwards we went to frozen yogurt. Once I paid for our yogurt, I met up with Cass at a table that she was saving for us. "FINALLYYYY , you took forever" Cass said with a giggle. I couldn't help but admire the smile that grazed her face every time she laughed. It made me think back to what my discussion with Joseph was. It made me feel sad inside because I couldn't help but feel like shit for doing such a thing to Cass. She would never do that to me in a million years. And to think that she put so much trust in me to go out that night and change my plans on her, and I did this negative thing.

I knew I had to tell her, but maybe I should wait off on it right now, I mean we're having such a good time and I don't want to jeopardize this. Butttt I should probably do it before I push it too far back....

"Everything okay?" Cassandra said, interrupting my thoughts. I snapped out of it and looked up at her, "yeah, ummmm no, I mean...... ummmmm, I have-I have to tell you something.." I said tripping over my words. She looked concerned, which she should be.

"Ummm so... umm" I continued to stumble. "What is it?" She pushed me to go on. I gestured her a smile, "I just wanted to say...... I'm having a really good time." She then returned the smile.

I couldn't do it, I can't face the fact that I eventually have to tell her, but I don't want to ruin what we have going. I already know that this will destroy her, and I can't bare hurting her, but if I won't tell her , someone else will beat me to the punch.

*30 minutes later*

Once we finished our frozen yogurt, i eventually took her home. We soon approached her house, "so are you gonna come in for a bit ?" She asked me. "Umm no, but I'll call you later." I said hesitant. I watched her walk to her  front door, and then drove off when I saw her get inside safely.

As I was driving I heard my phone vibrate in my cup holder next to me. The first thought that came to my head was Cassandra, but I already told her I would call her later, so that kind of left me confused. I then decided to look down at my phone when I was stopped at a red light.

Text message from (555)765-3384
I know what you did.

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My Enemy Is My Lover | Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now