Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

Cassandra's POV

When everyone made it to my house, I decided to make them all a big dinner so we can eat together. I haven't done that in quite awhile. I made them the classic spaghetti because it was a quick and easy thing to make that fills you up. As the spaghetti was just about done Joseph approached me, "do you need help setting the table?" he asked. "Um, sure. That would be great. Thank you." I responded has I handed him all the essentials to prepare the table. Aaron then joined next to me, "I can see that Joseph beat me to setting the table, so what else do you need help with?" Aaron asked. "Um, I could use some help maybe serving the food, 'cause it is a lot." I giggled. "Yeah, sure no problem." Aaron said as I called over Jenni and Taylor to the table.

Jenni and Taylor were so adorable together. They worked and clicked so well together, seeing them started making me think about Nash and I. What we were becoming, or what we could've been. I kind of got sad for a second, just thinking about the whole argument and how we're not together anymore. "Bon appetite!" Jenni said as everyone dove into their food. "This is really good Cass," Taylor tried to say with like a mouth full of food. "Thanks!" I replied. I'm glad they were enjoying my food, I haven't cooked really anything in awhile.

"Sooooooooooo, I haven't talked to you that much so I haven't been up to date. How are you and Nash?" Asked Jenni. I sort of choked on my food, shit. Now I have to talk about Nash, I really tried to avoid this topic, but I think I'm going to be getting this question a lot now.

"Um..... we're fine, I guess..." I said looking down and playing with my food. "You guess?" Joseph said in a questionable tone.

"Yeah, I mean. I haven't spoke to him for almost two days? We had a bit of a falling out.." I said very blunt like. "Really ? What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Aaron pushed me to go further. "You know what? That's like the last thing I want to do. Talk about it.... I just wanted some company over, so I can try to forget about what happened, and have some fun with friends without thinking about Nash. I know now that is kind of impossible, for some damn reason. I just don-" I stopped mid-sentence, "Cass are you okay?" Asked Aaron very concerned, as everyone else in the room. "Um.. I think I'm gonna be sick.." I said as I rushed myself to the bathroom. I sat in the bathroom, puking for about 15 minutes.

Once I came out, all four of my friends just stared at me like I just committed a murder in the bathroom. "What are you guys staring at?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Are you okay? You were in there for quite some time." Asked Aaron again. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, I think the whole Nash topic got me a bit worked up, and I couldn't handle it. It's no biggy." I shrugged it off. Jenni then got up and approached me, "Hun, has this happened before? Getting 'worked up' ?" Jenni quoted. "Yeah, it's happened a few times, but I swear I'm fine. I promise." I reassured them, I couldn't have my guest's come over and start worrying about me and my problems. I brought them over to forget all that for awhile. "Tell you guys what.... Why don't we finish up dinner and watch a scary movie?" I suggested.

"I'm down for that." Taylor said, as everyone followed suit.

It didn't take long for us to finish dinner, I started stacking the plates up in my hand and heading over to the sink to start doing dishes. "I thought we were going to watch a scary movie next, not wait for you to clean dishes.." Aaron remarked, "Sass me all you want, but I will do these dishes before I even step foot in that living room to watch a movie." I replied back. "I'll help you.... So we can watch the movie faster." Aaron stated. "Okay, if you insist." I said.

Aaron was right, it was a lot faster with his help, we literally did all the dishes in like five minutes. "Okay, have you guys chosen a scary movie?" I asked as me and Aaron entered the living room. "Yes, we're going to watch The Conjuring!" Joseph exclaimed. "you seemed pretty pumped about this." Jenni questioned, "What?!.... I love scary movies!" Joseph said as he played the movie on Netflix.

It happens to be about 20 minutes into the movie, where the action and jump scares are coming into play. Of course everyone is jolting of fright. I glance over at Taylor and Jenni cuddling, just wishing Nash were here with us. I have debated so much on texting him to hang out and maybe talk about things, and see if we can be friends until we figured out what to do. As you can see, I haven't worked up the courage to do so. A hand slithering across my lower back draws me quickly away from my thoughts, I glanced down to see Joseph trying to make a move on me? First, he puts his arm around my lower back and then tries to draw me in closer to him.

I, unnoticeably, pulled his hand away from me, "what are you doing?" I asked slightly, now VERY confused. "You need confront. come here, I'll protect you from the scary movie." He said as he continues with his actions from before.

I was not only furious at this time, but confused. I didn't care at this point if I made a scene in front of my guests or not, I stormed off into my room upstairs and shut the door behind me. Not long after that, I suddenly see that Joseph is now walking into my room, "get out." I simply stated.

"Okay, what did I do?" He asked. "Are you kidding me? You're really going to ask what you did wrong?" I questioned him.

"Yes, because I thought it was pretty clear that I was flirting with you tonight and I thought you were digging it. Tell me where I went wrong?" He stated. "Joseph, you're a nice guy. I was just trying to be nice in return." I tried to explain myself.

"No, I saw the way you looked at me. You were flirting too and you know it." He tried to convince me.

"Joseph, I'm sorry if you mistaked my kindness for me flirting. I just got out of a relationship, do you think that gives you the idea to try and make a move on me and that I would just fall into your arms for confront?" I asked.

"Cassandra, I was there the night of the party. I saw Nash leave with some random girl, and it seems to me like he didn't consider your feelings while he was feeling her up." Joseph said. "He-H-He only made out with her..." I snapped back, "Is that what he told you?" Joseph let out a laugh.

"Honey, he has you fooled. He knows you're in love with him, so he's not going to tell you the full truth. But I will. They were passionately making out, and without even breaking apart, they went up stairs. They hit every wall on the way up, You can hear them over the music throwing things. Tearing each others clothes off, her screaming his name..."

"Stop please," I finally let out while tears started developing in my eyes, "Everyone heard them getting it on sweetheart, it wasn't no secret. To the wasted or the sober." Joseph continued. "I said stop.." I pleaded once again, "But why would he ever do that to you? He loves you right?" Joseph urged to keep going, "I said stop talking!!!" I started to scream, "But me? I would never do such a thing to a girl like you. You deserve better than what was handed to you. If you gave me a chance, I could show you what love really is."

"Get. Out.!!!!" I raised my voice but it started to crack towards the end, because of the biggest lump I had in my throat.

I then see Jenni appear through the door, she looked horrified, "Cass..." She simply said right as Nash dashed by her, coming towards me.

He glanced at Joseph in rage, "what is he doing here?" Nash asked in a very stern tone. "I don't know anymore..." I said under my breathe but loud enough for them to hear me. "Leave now, or I'm calling the cops." Nash said sternly once again but directing it towards Joseph. there was silence for about five seconds before Joseph stormed out.

Once again Nash is there to save me from the distress of other men, but can't save me from the distress he's caused me.

"Are you okay Cassandra?" Nash said as he turned to approach me, I took a step back and looked up at him.

Gosh, how I've missed his presence. I've missed him just being near me. Seeing him lit something inside of me, but I knew I needed some distance between us so I can learn how to get this feelings on my own.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I said briefly. "Do you need anything? If you don't feel safe right now, I can always stay-"

"No Nash, I think it's best if you leave now. You've done enough. Thank you." I said, I can tell by his expression that's not the reaction he was expecting to receive. "But Cass I-"

"Nash.... Please go." I said once again. Nash then turned around and walked out.

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