Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Cassandra's POV

I can never bare seeing that expression on Nash's face. It kills me every time, I just want to hold him tight forever until he smiles. But for right now, I have to let him know that he did mess up, and he's not getting away with a mistake like this that easy. He needs to work for my trust again, sure, I probably won't have the same trust in him that I did before, but if he shows me that he's trying then maybe we can work things out. I just know that right now all I really need is space, from everything that has to do with him, but that will be so much harder than it seems. All my friends know about us, not many know about our break, but many know that we're involved with each other which makes this whole 'space' thing difficult. I can't just take a break from everything though, can I?

Besides what would I do to gain this space that I so desirably need? Road trip? A cruise?

That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.... Not a long road trip, I could cut it short. I can go to San Francisco for a week maybe? Ugh what am I even thinking of right now? I can't go away to San Fran for a week just out of the blue, especially by myself for that matter.

Unless I took someone with me? Who would I take though? I don't even know if anyone would want to go with me, I must be insane trying to plan something as big as this...

The next thing I know, I'm asking everyone that I know in my contact list that would possibly want to go to San Fran. I then just sat there waiting for replies, after about twenty minutes passed. I gave up on the whole trip thing since no one messaged me that they wanted to chill for a week. I get it though. We all have lives outside of our friendships and I can respect that. I can't just expect everyone that I messaged actually wanting or would be able to go with me on a trip like this. It's a big deal.

But I know someone who would go with me..... But he's the person I'm trying to get away from.

I guess this whole plan is just going to remain a theory...


It is now, once again, the beginning of another week at school. I actually haven't been at school since my fight with Nash, but apparently Nash wasn't at school either since I saw him going to visit Kara on Friday. So I'm guessing we were both trying to dodge some questions and comments of other peers at school.

But is it kind of selfish that I don't want girls knowing that me and Nash are on a break? Of course I'm mad at Nash for what he did, but that never meant that I stopped caring about him or my feelings went away. I still have really strong feelings for Nash, I feel like I always will. I just need him to realize that this isn't going to just blow over and everything will be fine. He needs to understand that what had happened at that party hurt me, and something like that doesn't just blow off. It takes time to recooperate from it, and sometimes, maybe, healing isn't possible.

It has been a quite long day, but I am now in the last fifteen minutes of my third period. "Hey." Aaron approaches me. "Hey" I say while looking up at him standing beside my desk. Aaron leans down to take a seat next to me, "So about this weekend.." Aaron said, "Don't mention it-" I try to say, but Aaron stopped me.

"No, I should apologize. I was the one who brought Joseph over, and I didn't know that was how he intended to act towards you. I myself was shocked." Aaron explained. "No don't blame yourself, I insisted that he came over. I thought that he was pretty nice from when I met him, but I guess the more you know." I finished as we both let out a laugh. "So I didn't get your text until this morning, so I thought about just talking to you about it in person since I was going to see you today anyway.." Aaron stated. I was sort of confused at first, but then I caught on, "So San Francisco hu?" Aaron said in a questionable tone. "I know, I know. It's a long shot, but I figured it would be great to just escape for just a little bit. Have some fun for once in my life!" I exclaimed. "Honestly, that seems awesome. When do you plan on going?" He asked me. "I don't know, I have to get up some funds for it first." I explained, "Yeah, I understand. Well just let me know and I would gladly tag along!" Aaron said. "Really?" I asked excited. "Yeah, this could be fun." Aaron said back, "Okay, I'm going to try and get a head count of who will all say yes, and see if we can combine money so we can plan this trip faster. 'Cause the faster the better!"

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