Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

So it feels like me and Nash are sort of back to square one, which is fine, I mean I did say we can be friends, soooo. Ugh I'm confusing, but yeah. So it has been two days since I've gotten back from my trip to San Fran and I figured it is time for me to hang out with my friends that weren't able to go to San Fran with me. I decided to message Taylor, Jenni, Marissa, Lexi, Aaron, Cameron and... you guessed it Nash. I mean I figured I might as well, since they're all my friends and it seems like I haven't talked to Cameron for awhile and I could use all the company I could get, but the last time I said that I had Joseph all up in my business, so we'll see how this goes. And I know that I said I needed space and time from Nash, but I meant that as in relationship wise, not friend wise.

I texted all of them at once so it was just easier for me to send. and the message read;

Cassandra: Hey guys, come meet up at my place in an hour so we can all hang out, eat pizza and watch some classical movies. :)

And I of course need that hour to spruce up the house a bit, so it and myself can look presentable. Once i finished cleaning up a few specific things around the house, I then went up stairs to take a quick shower and get on a different outfit and a bit of makeup. I decided on something casual since I'm just going to be at the house with some friends, so of course that was a pair of comfortable jeans, my softball sweater from high school, a messy bun and some light makeup.

It was soon time for everyone that I invited to start showing up at my house for our movie night. Once everyone was here we decided to choose a movie on Netflix after we ordered our pizza.

The boys seemed to have been all talking amongst themselves while us girls were doing the same to catch up a little bit, "so umm- what's going on with you and Nash?" Lexi asked. Marissa slightly nudged her for not beating around the bush, but I found it okay for them to all know since I haven't updated them on all of .... that. "Well, we're not together still, but we're working out as friends." I haven't quite told them the whole story yet because I want to let it out into the world little by little and only have my seclusive friends know, not the whole world. I also don't think that people need to know my relationship and the problems, sometimes that stuff just remains to myself and Nash.

"Well I'm glad that's working out for you guys." Marissa said. I gave her a gentle smile. I've realized that she's really supportive when it comes down to it and that's always really nice to have.

The boys soon rejoined is girls so we can all talk as a whole, rather than in sections the whole night. "Soooo Aaron, you and Cass never told us about your guys' trip to San Fran?!" Taylor brought up. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat, shit mine and Aaron's trip.

Me and Aaron sort of looked at each other, I then glanced at Nash, who had a bummed look on his face. I was hoping he would catch me glancing at him so I could give him a smile to reassure him he has nothing to worry about with me and Aaron.

"It was fun, we got to see a lot of the sites." I stated. "Yeah, it was pretty time consuming since we had our days planned out, so we could see everything." Aaron said while letting out a laugh. I couldn't help but to focus my attention on Nash and anxiously try to change the subject off of mine and Aaron's San Fran trip. "So let's pick this movie before it gets too late and we all fall asleep !" I said excitedly. Everyone seemed to draw their attention to the tv so we can all decide on one movie. During this process, the pizza arrived. I set the pizza boxes on the coffee table in the middle of all of us and took a seat next to Nash. It was hard to see him sad and not be able to do anything about it, except just watch it happen.

I thought this was going to be an easy friendship since I should be still angry at him for what causes this, which I am, but I'm more sad at the fact he's not my boyfriend and that he has to sit here and hear about my trip with another guy. "You okay?" Nash asked me, drawing me out of my thoughts, "umm- yeah I think so." After I got out that sentence, I excused myself to go to the bathroom to throw up once again. I didn't want to cause the hugest scene in front of my group of friends that seemed to be having a good time. The last time I did that I had everyone concerned for my health, and I don't need that again. Once I got out of the bathroom, I was surprised to be greeted by Aaron waiting at my bedroom door. "Shit you scared me." I said letting out a gasp of relief. "Sorry, just wanted to see why you left the scene downstairs." Aaron stated. "I'm fine." I said letting out a little bit of a fake laugh. "Cass, did you make that appointment yet?" Aaron said, but this time in a more concerned tone. "Yes, I made it the day that we came back from the trip. It's going to be on Tuesday." I told him. "Okay good." Aaron said with a smile as he punched me playfully in the arm. We then both came back downstairs. "So did you losers ever decide on a movie for all of us to watch?" I said letting out a laugh. "Actually we did, it's a new release on Netflix, Kidnapped with Halee Barry." Jenni said. "Okay sounds cool, put it on." Aaron stated as we both took our spots we originally had on the couch.

As the movie was playing the intro credits my phone vibrated next to me,

Nash: So are you and him a thing now ?

My heart sank a bit at the thought of him thinking such a thing between me and Aaron. I could never, Aaron is a really good friend to talk to and I never want to jeopardize that.

Cassandra: Nash, of course not.

Nash: Well it sure seems like it.

Cassandra: We're only friends, I could never.

Nash: You've guys been all buddy buddy since you guys came back from that trip of yours.

Cassandra: nothing has happened between me and Aaron and nothing is going to happen. Please just believe me and enjoy the movie.

I don't know why I am begging him to believe me or why this conversation is even occurring if Nash and I aren't together. He's being over dramatic about this. The whole texting thing is ridiculous, especially since we're right next to each other. I decided to actually put my phone down and enjoy the movie as well because I was done with this pointless conversation that shouldn't even have come about.


The movie has gotten to this part where one of the kidnappers ends up dying, which was sort of a gruesome scene and a displeasingly noise that caused me, and a few other friends of mine to jolt. Without thinking of it, I jolted a bit from the scene and my hand slightly landed on Nash's. I sort of froze for a second to collect what I just did, and glanced at Nash a second before I gently pulled away, not making it obvious to others around us.

I mouthed the word Sorry because I didn't want to interrupt the movie. Nash just barely nodded his head enough for me to see.

Ughhhhhhh I don't know what I'm doing anymore...

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