Chapter 08

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Anger and disappointment were the only things you felt the last few days. You had lock yourself in your room ashamed to look anyone.
Yesterday all of you went to see the results of the interview but neither your's or Anya's name were there. Henderson announced that you and the pink hair girl were in the waiting list. You hoped at least Anya could pass.
The only thing that would make you feel happy was the little pink devil to go to Eden... or to kill Swan for making you feel weakness and Anya cry or maybe both. Both are good.

All of a sudden a loud knock was heard outside your bedroom's door

- Auntie! Auntie! Come quickly! We pass!

Well one of my wishes came true.

You quickly opened the door and run to the leaving room.  As you expected there were the other three members of the Forger family.

- Oh miss Y/N, here . Yor said and  walked to you with two cups. One for her and the other for you.
- Well since everyone is here said Loid.
- Congratulations! He said and took a party popper.

After a while  Franky came with a bottle of wine.
- I heard you passed. Congratulations to both of you!

You and Loid went to the kitchen to make something for all of you to eat. After a while Franky said something which caught your's and Anya's attention.

- What did you asked your parents since you passed the exams?
- Asked? Anya said confused
- What do you mean Franky? You asked as confused as the little girl

You would be lying if you said you weren't more confused, not from the brown skin man's idea but the whole situation you were in right now. Franky explained what he meant and after a stupid little fight with Loid all of you were inside a castle for Anya's wish.
She wanted to play "save the princess" so the two men went all the to find a real castle and asked real spies from the agency to come for making the game more real for the six year old ( even tho Anya is
four * cough cough * )
Know you have to play the role of the knight in shining armor and save  princess Anya together with Loidman

You and the spy started running towards your ally and your two family members red from embarrassment. When you reached your goal Yor started attacking you believing you and your brother are enemies whom wanted to kidnap her daughter.
Her moves were sick , your sister-in-law is truly a dangerous woman even if she is drank. She was able to scratch Loid with her boot.
Of course because you didn't want things to get out of hand you took a nerf gun Franky gave you and shoot Yor on the head.
Your aim perfect like usual. You made her lose balance and when she fell on the floor she fell asleep.


The act was  and now you were home. Anya and Yor were asleep, only the two WISE members were awake.
A knock was heard outside the girl's door and for her surprised the older spy was there.

- Brother what would you possibly want at this hour?

After he sat on the desk's chair he said

- You know Anya wasn't the only one who is going to Eden, you also pass.
Y/N you can also ask for something.

Of course you knew that. The only thing you didn't was what you wanted

- Let me think for a bit and tomorrow I'll tell you what I want.

Loid nodded a left the room


As always you were greeted by Your's smile. It was a routine the last days and you couldn't say you didn't like it. You always desired this, a happy family that smiles in the mornings.
When all of you finished your breakfast, Anya went straight to the TV , Yor wanted to wash the dishes first and you and Loid sat on the couch watching the little devil.

- Did you think something you want. The blonde asked again.
- .....I want...

I want... I want to stay in this family forever. I want to be greeted with a smile when I wake up and eat  delicious breakfast like this.

- I don't know what I want yet. Do you mind if I keep my wish for another time?
- Of that's what you want I have no say in here.

Then a little pink hair girl jump on your lap.
- Auntie let's play!

You answer with a smile

A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now