Chapter 39

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[Since the next chapter of the manga isn't out this lovely person gave me this amazing idea! Fun fact I always wanted to write Yuri's POV but it's much harder to write the point of you of a character I haven't created. I guess this is a nice chance to try]

Before you start reading the chapter you need to be aware that: •This all takes place in Yuri's mind while he is unconscious
•Y/N is a hallucination and wear a white sundress

Yuri's POV:

My head hurts and I feel dizzy. That damn Twilight! How dare he hit me on the head! I'll catch him and put him in jail for good!

Then the world will be safer without him and then I won't be afraid for
Yor and Y/N! Kyaaaa! Y/N will be so proud of me!

As I said that I felt my head being pulled on someone's lap and a familiar voice started laughing. It was the laugh of an angel.

- Yuri you are so amazing! Thank you so much for fighting for my sake you are so brave! Taking that terrified man in a fight!


- W-well that's my job! I'll even take a nuclear bomb for you if I had to!

- Oh Yuri you are perfect! I was such a fool to turn you down when you ask me to be your girlfriend! Please forgive me!

She said as she placed her hands on her face like she was ready to cry from her past actions

- It's fine!... So that means that you'll now be my girlfriend?

I asked her as jump back on my feet, excited for her answer.

- Are you kidding me?

She looked at me with wide eyes as she asked that

- Huh?

- I turned you down and you still want us to be together? Yuri you are so kind!

She jumped in my arms and hugged me

- I would love to! Now that Twilight is in jail all of as will be safe and we'll be together, forever~


- That will be nice.

I said to her with a smile and lifted her up bridal still

- We'll even get married!


- Yeah! Don't you want us to get married and start our own family?

I thought about it for a little and then immediately blush

- A family... Briar family... It will be perfect! We'll be perfect!

Both of as were laughing and being happy at each other's presence like I always imagine it being with her.

As I placed her down my eyes fell on her white sundress. She looked beautiful in it like always.

- You look so pretty in white...

- Than you must be excited to see me in my wedding dress.

She teasingly told be and placed a kiss on my lips. Our first kiss... it was perfect.

I placed one hand on her waist and the other behind her head. I wanted to deepen our kiss. But after some seconds I stopped because both of us needed air.

- Y/N, let's be together!

Third person POV:

Lilith was ready to leave the sewers when she heard Yuri mumble something. From the distance she tried to listen to what he was saying.

At the beginning she couldn't understand a thing but the last sentence caught her off guard.

- Y/N, let's be together...


A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now