Chapter 17

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[ I've totally forgot to write the day the Forger family went to the aquarium and Loid's and Yor's first date... Oops 😅 ]

Y/N was sitting on the couch reading a manga and Anya was on the floor playing with her favorite plushies.
With the corner of your eye you saw Bond looking at the big penguin plush the pink hair girl was holding.

- Bond come here. You said and the dog came close to you.
- What is bothering you big boy? You asked the giant dog and pet him

He is so fluffy!
You thought

Bond was still looking at the younger girl playing but you couldn't understand why.... Until the following morning when you were woken up by a loud cry

You ran out of your room ready to take out a knife but thankfully you didn't when you immediately saw what was happening.
Anya was crying because of her now destroyed penguin toy which was probably like this because of Bond.

- I'll try to fix it so please stop crying Anya. Yor said

You can't even call this a toy anymore...

Anya started crying more and no one could stop her

- Stupid Bond! I hate you! The little girl said to her dog and ran to hug your leg

For the first time you saw a reaction on your dog's face but you didn't like that reaction. He seemed hurt by Anya's words
You scooped up your niece and hugged her

- Me and Anya will be in my room. Brother you know what you have to do.

The blonde man nodded and you walked in your room to calm Anya.
After some time of crying the little girl fall asleep, you left her there and walk out of the room.
In the leaving room you saw Bond, the dog looked up to you and then down of shame.

- You know if you wanted Anya's attention you could go and play with her and her toys.
You said while petting him

The next morning penguin man was ready for action again but he had change... A lot...

- That's the only think I was able to do. Loid said while staring at his daughter to see her reaction.
He then looked at you and gave you the 'help' signal
- You know Anya when someone has a lot of scars after a fight we call them scars of honor. You said

That made the little girl happy and hugged her penguin again. After a minute Bond walked in the room and looked at Anya.
Anya did the same but didn't say anything.
You took her hand and together with the small girl you walked towards the dog.
- Anya, Bond came to apologize to you. Will you forgive him?

After a moment of silence the pink hair girl hugged her dog and said

- Okay but don't hurt my soldiers ever again!

That made you and your brother satisfied so you walked out of the room to let your niece and dog play.

As both of you were walking towards the kitchen you said
- Brother, you have played many roles on your life but the malewife role is my favorite so far
You turned around and saw the older spy glaring at you with a red face
- .... Shut up

A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now