Married life hc

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• The last time I wrote that he probably wants at least two kids. There are two reasons.

1) He wants to have one more child than Loid has.

2) Both of you grew up with another sibling and made you feel safe in this world. So, in his brain
two kids = protection.

• If you end up having kids, they'll be 4-7 years apart. The reason? If something happened to you, which none of you will let happen thanks to your (old?) jobs, one of them will be at the age that can act more mature and take care of the other.

You cook. I don't care if you are terrible at cooking, you are definitely better than Yuri.

• Yuri does the other chores in the house. Vacuuming, washing dishes etc. While he does all of that he will have his hair on a ponytail, which is really cute (yes I don't think he'll cut his hair).

• I think that both of you work but Yuri likes the idea of you staying at home. Not because he thinks you are incapable of working (you are/used to be a spy for f*cks sake).
He just wants to know that you are somewhere safe. He probably did the same thing to Yor but she didn't like the idea (for obvious reasons) and end up working at that terrible office.

• You live at an apartment but wish you could by your own house.

• If Eden still exist as a school your kids will go there. They have clever parents so it will be no challenge of them to get in.

• Your two devils are really competitive. They took from their dad. So, for them Eden is the challenge they needed.

• The older child likes uncle Loid, they can tell all their secrets to him and have deep conversations. On the other hand the younger one adores auntie Yor. She teaches them both how to be physically strong.

• Anya baby-sits and she is good at it. She adores those small ones

• Cousin Anya let's us walk Bond with you!

• Try playing pranks on Anya? HAH! Good luck kids.

• Try playing pranks on Anya? HAH! Good luck kids

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• Saturdays are for your family.

• Sundays you either eat at Loid's and Yor's house or you call them to eat at your's.

• "Moooom~! Can we have a pet as well?"
Probably yes. It depends if you like the idea of a pet, specifically a dog (thanks Bond). But because this is a fanfic let's say both you and Yuri agree to have one.

• If your choice is a dog then Yuri would like to train it. My gut tells me he will do something like that.

• Just because you have kids it doesn't mean Yuri will stop being affectionate with you. He'll show you how much he loves and appreciates you like the first day he met you.

• Nicknames~ At the beginning he'll call you princess. Now he call his kids prince(ss). You now go by "honey, dear, love, my queen"

• You answer with "darling, hubby, my king" and whatever you prefer to call him.

• Damian as the kids godfather?

• You sleep with Yuri. It doesn't matter if you cuddle or not you sleep with each other! 👏.

• Conversations at 2 A.M.

- Darling?

*Putting yourself on his chest*

- Yes my queen?

*Snakes his hands on your wait to hold you closer*

- Do you love me more than Yor?

*Wide his eyes and stay awake for the whole night*

A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now