Chapter 18

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Today Eden's teachers decide to make an art competition with the  first year's crafts.
You were walking around watching what the children made but you stopped when you saw
- Mister Henderson?
- Oh hello miss Forger. Did you find something that caught your attention so far? The older man asked
- I think that all of them are quite good, I mean it's admiring that such young children could make something like that.... What is this?
You pointed out two crafts that looked like.... griffins?
- Those two crafts were made by Damian Desmon and your niece. Mister Desmon tried to made his family symbol but he failed, miss Anya tried to make a griffin to boost his energy up.
- I see... You looked at the two small figurines and smile

After some time mister Henderson left the hall but you stayed there looking at the some little statues thinking about your mission. You were lost in your thoughts until you heard footsteps coming your way and there you saw him standing
- Damian... ?
The younger boy didn't say anything, he was just looking down but suddenly he ran up to you and hug your leg.
- Damian! Did something happened
The only answer you got was some sniffs. He was crying
- He never carried about me... The younger boy said
- Shushhh... You said and patted his head.
- Damian tell me what happened?
- Take your time
The crying boy started breathing out to calm down and after a minute he said
- I call home to talk to my father... But like always he wasn't there, my butler answer the phone like he usually does and told me the usual things... That father had an important job to attend but he was worried about me... I know that this is all a lie.... He never carried about me!
The boy started crying again and hide his face on my leg

He wants to start a war and he doesn't care about his son...

What a terrible person

A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now