Chapter 11

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Impossible! This isn't a stupid romance fanfic, I can't.... fell for my enemy!

You were sitting on the kitchen table reading a manga when Yor suddenly slammed the door open panicking.

- Yor what happened? You asked the panicking woman
Loid came in the room after a while looking at you and his wife confused.
- I heard a noise. Y/N, Yor are you alright?
The elder woman tried to calm down but it didn't work because when she started to explain the situation she was shouting and panicked even more.

Yor's brother... Right Yor agreed to "marry"  brother because he didn't want to worry him.......

- You didn't tell him?
- I-I forgot,with everything that happened I didn't have the time to tell him.
Loid jumped on the couch and said
- Don't worry! I have a plan ready for this occasion

And now all the rooms are covered with pink hearts, photoshopped photos of the main couple....
- Don't make me start talking about your bedroom
Loid and Yor were blushing and you deadpan with the whole situation
- Since your brother wants to come here to check your relationship with my brother you don't need me here. You said and the couple looked at you
- I'm going for a walk
- Oh be safe a-and come home quickly. Yor said like a responsible sister-in-law
- Be careful sister
- But auntie you don't want to meet uncle? The little girl whom wanted to meet the new family member
- Maybe another time. You pet the little girl and walk to the door


You came back in the complex and you finally were infront of the Forger's family household. To your surprise voices could be hear shouting and something could be heard to break.
You slammed the door like Yor did this morning and shouted your brother's name and then Yor's.
When you came in the room you saw a scene you didn't expect to see.
Yor and Loid ready to kiss and a black hair man around your age, probably Yor's little brother..... He seems awfully familiar....

A secret police!

Everybody' had their eyes on you.
- I apologize, I'll take my leave again.
Yor run up to you, the only thing that left her mouth was the word "sorry". Then Loid walked up to you, patted on the head and he gave you an apologetic smile... And a stare to make sure you understood who the person in your leaving room was. You nodded.

One small mistake and both of us are dead meat

Then Loid turned to look at the man, Yuri Briar, your sister's little brother.... and a secret police officer, a spy's worst enemy.

- Mister Yuri let me introduce you to one of the most important people in my life. My little sister, Y/N Forger. Y/N that's Yuri Briar, Yor's little brother.

Yuri was looking at you in pure shock. He was stunned by your beauty and he was blushing mad.
The whole situation was very awkward, you didn't like the silence so you decided to talk to him

- It's a pleasure to meet you mister Briar.
- Oh-em pleasure is all mine . P-please Yuri is just fine. He smiled at you

That made you feel something inside you and made you feel hot. He is an attractive man. You sat on the couch together with the couple and your other family member. 
Yuri seems like he didn't like your brother so much but he was kind to you....
This made you blush and you understood why.....

W-what! I just met this guy and-and he- he is our enemy . But he is so handsome

A Spy's little sister (Yuri Briar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now