Chapter 10

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[ This chapter is based on chapter 9 and 10 from the manga but because those 2 are made for  Anya's school life and her relationship with Damian I didn't know how to write this. I hope you enjoy reading this ]

First day of school, this whole situation is very awkward not because you'd never went to school, it's because Loid decided to follow Anya to make sure she is going to apologize to Damian.
The things he was doing to make his daughter apologize to the little boy you found them extremely stupid.
You found him on the school's roof, cutting the school's trees etc

You may didn't have any friends throughout your life but you knew that making a little kid say sorry needs a lot of time. Around lunch time you saw Damian running in the hallway with a red face. Since he was playing an important role to the mission you walked towards him. You sat on your nice and asked

- Damian are you alright?
The little boy looked up to you with a shock expression and answered.
- Y-yeah I'm fine. W-why wouldn't I?
- Your face is red. Are you sure you don't have a fever? You asked with your usual monotone voice
Listening your sentences Damian's face became more red if that's possible.
With the corner of your eye you saw the elder spy looking at the both of you. Immediately you understood that this situation had something to do with your niece

- Did Anya hurt you again?
His eyes widen and tried to tell you something but it came out like a stuttering mess.
- O-of c-c-c-c-c-course no! Why w-would you think that!

I wonder...😑

You waved your hand signaling you brother to leave the hall. He nodded and walked the other way

- Damian.....
The kid was trying to catch his breath. After he did he looked at you again
- I know what my niece did wasn't the best first impression... But she has some problems communicating with other. I'm not asking you to become her friend but could you please give her a chance

The boy was staring at you and immediately looked away this time with a smaller blush a said

- F-fine! It's not like I'm doing this because you asked me or anything! Got it?

You giggled a little. You didn't expect that kind of reaction but it didn't bother you. He reminded you of another tsundere you know. You stranded up and thanked the boy.


School was finally over.You were sitting on you bed reading something when you were suddenly interrupted by a loud noise from Anya's room?
You opened the door to see the couple knocking on the little girl's door.

- Oh miss Y/N I'm sorry for the noise. You see mister Loid and miss Anya had a fight for her studies and now she doesn't want come out of her room.
You locked at you shocked and then quickly glared at your brother's way

Are you serious right now?

- It's okay Yor, don't worry. When I was younger I did the same thing. How about you take brother to the leaving room while I'll try to talk to our little troublemaker?

Loid and Yor looked at you and then one another.

- Are you sure you don't want any help? You brother asked you and you immediately shaked you head

Bruh your attitude is what brought us in this situation. She needs some time.

- Miss Y/N please be gentle with her. The elder woman said
- We don't want to pressure her.

You gave her a gentle smile and said

- I wouldn't. Now you two go inside while I handle my niece

When the couple left you knock on the door as the did and called the girl's name. After some time waiting outside you grabbed the knob. You opened the door to see Anya sleeping on her desk's chair. You assumed she was trying to do her homework.
You took her in your arms bridal style  to put her on her bed. You smiled at the view, it was very wholesome.... Until Anya starting talking in her sleep saying something about Yor trying kill Loid and you being kicked by some black hair guy

What on earth are you dreaming?

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