4 | Setting boundaries

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(Selena's POV)

The first day here was going smoothly. Even though I got a lot of letters from other girls saying how they'll kill me cause I stole their place and their husband and stuff like that!

On the good side,it was alright, msHernandez didn't need much care, she was perfectly capable by herself. She only needed someone to carry her around. For now she was resting, its her nap time which meant I had free time to wonder around.

I haven't found anything that'll help me with my mission but it was a great start. I may not have found anything but the place is worth the look! One room was better then the other! Only if I had this house, I would be the happiest person in the world! Maybe I should ask for some more money once I finish this mission? Yes, I'll do that. After all, I'll be the one capturing—

"MsCalebs!" Someone called.

I jolted up from the bed I was laying at. Quite a good one and looked at the guy who had just called me, great just my luck! Guess luck was around only yesterday!

"MrHernandez!" Leonardo was leaning at the doorframe, arm crossed, staring at me, smirking?

"I was just. . . I wasn't. . . I. . ." Oh, who am I kidding. . .

"Is the bed good?" He teased me.

I tried to hold my embarrassment inside and not dig a hole on the ground right to vanish. He chuckled at how I was just standing there and he came closer to me. I took a step back but without asking me he grabbed both my shoulders and threw us both at the bed. I shut my eyes closed and tried to comprehend what was going on while he was next to me laughing out loud, I had no idea why he was laughing but for some reason I found it funny too. We sat there laughing like fools at nothing.

"I'm sorry." I apologized for going on his bed without permission.

"Don't worry, all good." He offered me a smile.

I'm sure he knows he has a big impact on girls and maybe he may have on me too but I won't allow myself even if he does. My mission is loud and clear and he is only a distraction or maybe my biggest enemy.

I got up and fixed myself to leave.

"Where are you going?" He grabbed my arm.

"MsHernandez may wake up sir and I need to attend her and help her. That is my job." I replied coldly.

"Oh. . . yeah. . ." He nodded slowly and let his hand fall back down on the bed.

I walked out and closed the door while leaving. I stayed behind the door to inhale a good amount of breath and then really headed to msHernandez


(Leonardo's POV)

"I mean. . . did I do something wrong?" I was really confused.

Aless looked at me and patted my back.

"Girls. Man, girls." He sighed.

I titled my head at his direction and raised a brow, I scoffed at how moody he always gets when he fights with Alice thinking that she'll always break up with hum but they always end up in his bedroom. I took vows to never end like them!

"Well, your vows are breaking!" He echoed.

"No way! She is just a chick who has a crush on me and I'm playing!" I hit his shoulder and shoved him away.

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