19 | Good hearted or killer?

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(Selena's pov)

After that call I couldn't sleep all night and I am all dark circles now and looking like a bear who didn't sleep a whole year. Even if had took drugs I would look better, how am I supposed to be decent when I look like this? I am supposed to take their hearts and stuff like that yet how am I gone do that like this?

Ugh! What am I gone do?! I can't even cover with concealer! I need a make up artist to cover my black eyes and to cover me in general right now. No! I can't be thinking about covering myself in sheets! I need to splash some water on my face! Yeah! That's it!

I get up and head to the toilet, I open the door and then close it. I let the water run and fill my fists than I start throwing it at my face, opening my eyes wide after two three times of splashing and taking deep breaths.

I close the faucet and grasp the towel to my face. A moment later I leave the bathroom and grab some clothes from the wardrobe to wear, this wardrobe is one thing I'll miss.

Knock. Knock.

I turn around at the door, with closes hanged around my hands, I go and open the door. Leonardo stands there, with his usual smirk planted on his face. He is as always ready for everything. He looks good I must admit.

Wearing a white shirt under his black sweater, accompanied with white pants to fit the black and white theme and some black glasses on his head. I forgot to mention we are going golfing with the rich! Great! Right?... that was ironic.

"You look so ready for this." I admit.

"Its not my first time over there, I came to give you some advice." He did? That's surprising.

"Really?!" I blurt in disbelief.

He nods.

"Well... come on in." I move back and allow him to enter my room.

He enters without a second thought and sits on my bed, streching his hands behind to hold all his body into. Titling his head back as he judged all the fits in my hands.

"They are all wrong." He says.

So straightforward. Now that I think about it... he came to criticize me. Of course there would be another reason behind his good deed, here I thought he had a slight change of heart.

"Go inside your wardrobe and look for a short white dress, which writes Reach Golf center." He orders me.

I nod. Then I turn back at him and narrow my eyes as to why does he knows everything about my wardrobe, is he also a creepy stalker? I will add that to my list of 'cursing at Leonardo words'.

"Go! We have no time." He rushes me.

I roll my eyes and walk inside the big wardrobe to grab that one dress he told me about. I look all over those beautiful dresses and indeed inside there is also a white short dress with those same words printed on one side of the chest.

"This is not creepy at all." I say as I walk outside with the dress.

"It isn't. I was the one who choose your whole wardrobe." He grins.

I nudge my shoulders and raise my eyebrows impressed at him. He actually is useful for something other than killing, that's impressive and likeable about him! Can't believe I said that!

"I'll dress up and I'll join you! Now run off and wait outside!" I grab him and push him out the room.

He fights back to stay but I manage to get him out the room and close the door before he can come back in and annoy me again. I sigh and start changing, dolling up myself.

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