53 | Veiled truth

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They all stood around him, circling the bed as he opened his eyes slowly. Aless filled with tears and Alice forcing hers inside so that she can comfort Aless who is already crying a river. Tristan, Catarina, Hellan, Sarah, Kalien, Micheal and some other people were filling the room. They all started asking him, how he felt? How he was? Was everything alright? Yet he had only one thing in mind. "Where is Selena?" He asked panicked.

They all froze. He felt Aless's touch flinch as the question was made. He tried to get up from the bed but they held him back down. He pushed them but his body couldn't do much. "It's been a forty-five days and she. . ." Aless spoke.

Leonardo tensed.

"She doesn't remember anything. She is alright but. . . her memories aren't." Aless announces.

He blinks. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that. . ." Aless couldn't find a better way to say this without that paining his friend to the core. "She has no idea who I am, Alice is, Tristan is, Sarah is, Kelian is, Micheal-"

"Who I am." He interrupts with a huge exhale.

Aless nods.

They all lower their heads, not being able to face him after the news. They had no way to reassure him about this. There was no better way and there wasn't any way to make her regain her memories. They just had to wait for her to be ready and let everything in. Leonardo got up and everyone went to help him. "I wanna see her."

"The doctor recommends to not move much."

"Fuck that. Lets go." He grabs Aless by the shoulder and wraps his arm around him. "Move." He commands.

Aless hesitates yet Leonardo shoves him forward as he walks out. They all stay behind and watch whether he makes it out well or not. Micheal leaves to have a more detailed talk with the doctor and everyone else guards around him so that nothing comes out of a sudden. Sarah grands her laptop from her bag and all the others get their fists ready for any sudden visit. Unwanted visit.

The two arrive at her room and all they see is a nurse cleaning the bed up and changing the sheets. Leonardo glances at Aless wondering if that's the wrong room yet Aless has the same puzzlement over his face. "I'm sorry," Aless speaks. "Isn't this the room where Selena Calebs should be at?"

She looks up and bows immediately upon seeing Leonardo. He waves his hand for her to get casual yet she avoids eye contact and keeps her head low. "So?" He demands. "Where is Selena?"

"Miss Calebs got discharged." She announced.

"Already?!" Aless was shocked.

"Does that mean she has gained her memory?" Leonardo's smile turned up.

"So fast?!" Aless exclaimed.

She shaked her head. "No, No. You got the things wrong here sir, she got discharged because she is physically alright. Mentally she has to see a psychiatrist. Our doctors take care of bodies not minds." She laughed slightly.

Leonardo huffs. "We knew that of course."

"We do?!" Aless furrows his brows.

"What psycho did she go to?" He asked.

"Psychologist." She added with a smile over her lips. "And we don't know sir. The family decides on that."

"I'm her husband! I haven't recommended a psycho to anyone! I don't even know any psychos!" He shouted.

The woman sighed while shoving the dirty sheets inside the dirty clothes sack. "Psy-cho-lo-gi-st." She spelled out. "Psychologist. And. . . on that matter I cannot be of help. If you are miss Calebs husband than call her and discuss with each other."

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