11 | The player

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(Selena's pov)

I'm stuck.

Here and three hours I'm reading this book and it just doesn't make sense. So many things he dislikes. Yet things that he likes I see none. Not even one, and I just can't understand why there is nothing he likes? He is total goofy kinda of guy and kinda cool yet he likes... NOTHING!! How am I gone make an impression and make him obsessed with me again if he doesn't like anything?!

Ms.Emma handed me a book with things she knew about Leonardo and things I may need to know. She tried to be helpful but that is the only way she could yet even like that I can't find a way for this.

Ms.Emma gave me a day off cause she is dealing with some 'men drama' that's how she called it and can't be with me today and I ain't allowed to attend those meetings, and honestly I didn't want too anyway.

"Here I come!!" Alice echoes.

"Shh!" I shush her.

"Ms.Hernandez at your service." She bows.

"Don't call me that!" I exclaim.

She gives me a slight smirk and nods.

"So, what did you need me for?" She asks.

"I need your help into finding what mr.Hernandez's likes!" I say.

"Mr.Hernandez? Already want to impress his father, I see. You have moved on the next stage." She nudges my shoulder.

"Father?..." I look at her baffled.

"Yeah, Leon's father." She answers.

"Oh! No! No! No! No!" I deny.

"I meant him." I explain.

"Oh!" She blurts out.

"Sorry." She laughs sheepishly.

"Anyway, will you help me?" I ask her.

"You even ask!!" She replies in a 'duh' sound.

I smile and we sit down. She turns me to her side and she gets full serious mood, like she is working on a serious project in work. She could definitely become an actor she is so good at changing expressions fast.

"First, to get a person, a man to be precise, excited, you need to call him by his name." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask her bewildered.

"I mean... not mr.Hernandez but Leon." She responds.

I look at her uncertain if I understand what she means or if I don't want to understand what she means. I have called him Leonardo but in my head, in real life... I can't do that! I just... I don't know!

"Let'a practice." She gets up and starts acting like Leonardo.

"Hey babygirl." She flashes a smile at me.

I burst out laughing and make fun of her while she gives me a death glare for not focusing on what is the real deal behind this silly acting. But I can't, who even says babygirl? Its disgusting and cringe!

"He would never say babygirl!" I tell her.

"Yeah..." She nods.

"Wait. Let me make it more realistic." She takes deep breaths and runs her lines over in her head before spitting them out to me.

I wait for her best outcome and the moment she turns to speak I start sweating for no reason. I am anxious maybe... what if she does it so well that I get flattered? I can't let anything like that happen cause if I get ideas with him in my head... no way. I hate that guy!

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