17 | The villain's, letter

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(Selena's pov)

After last night, everyone is sore and tired. Sleeping till 1 pm at least. I was actually very confused when I found no one over my head this morning or anyone to bug me the moment I get out the room. Apparently they are all trying to surpass the consequences of too much alcohol while I sit and enjoy waffles.

I had only two glasses of that drink he had yesterday and I took two or three pills to stop the pain and I am glad it did but I ain't telling anyone else about how I surpassed the pain cause I want them to suffer. I am a great person but they have done many things to me and don't get me started on Alice's list.

"What's with you all?" Of course he is the only one who no matter what is perfectly fine. No headache, nothing.

"How are you okay?!" Alessandro asks him.

"Cause I know how to handle a small headache. Its nothing too much just a little hangover." He responds, taking a croissant and eating it with fork and knife, who does he think he is? Aaron Warner?!

"Just a hangover!! I have been throwing up from the moment I woke up!!" Alice whines.

"Cause you over drunk while I know my limit." Yeah, of course.

I roll my eyes at how perfect he acts to be and how he says he isn't infected by anything and his good state and his body and his face and everything surrounding him!! Even his croissant is making me mad!!

"The real question is... why are you not going through pain and vomiting?" Of course he would somehow make me the bad guy.

"Cause I didn't drink." I reply sharply.

"In fact you drunk two whole filled glasses of Hapsburg Gold premium, which contains 89.9% alcohol and is one of the highest drink ratings on alcohols." I realized that. This. Morning.

Okay. I am a poor liar, my head has been hurting like crazy and I throwed up three times and just a minute before anyone showed up. I have taken 10 or 20 pills to help myself but I just can't. Everything is so bad and I am hurting like hell, even If I got shot I wouldn't hurt as much as I did, this moment, right now.

Even so I held myself strong cause I didn't want him to tell me I told you so or knew you wouldn't handle it or give me that satisfied smirk of his!! So I act like I am not ready every little piece of waffle I gulp down my throat.

"I took a pill. They are up there." I hope it doesn't work for them because I don't want to be suffering here and them to laugh and have fun.

He hums and turns to eating back his croissant while chuckling with himself like a crazy person. We all give him weird looks but he doesn't even bother to raise his head and glance at us, he is too focused on his food to even care we are here.


(3rd pov)

Leonardo walked inside his office, waiting for his new partner. Unfortunately to look normal around the world and for people to not doubt him, he'll have to sign a contract with the only other guy who had big power.

He heard a knock on his door and let the guy in. He walked in with a big smile and hands on his pocket, sat on a chair across Leonardo and started introducing himself. Leonardo hated this guy so much cause even if he knew what a threat Leonardo was to him, he was ready to face death. He had even admitted he stands no chance against Leonardo, even worked underground for him.

"Why are you back?" Leonardo asked him.

"For the deal of course." The guy replied.

"You know your father can handle this, right?" Leonardo said.

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