54 | Jailed. . .

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The nurse left her room after telling her good night and she walked away, closing the door. She grabbed the knife on her hand and got right at the place where she always does. She stayed alarmed no matter what and she kept her guard up to anyone. That night, someone did come in.

Firstly, the footsteps echoed through the hallway, turning from one side to the other, taking the stairs to the second floor and slowly arriving at room 203, her pointy heels slightly touched the door down on the ground and she softly laid her finger to the doorknob, she grinned and entered the room. The bed was filled, she was asleep just as expected. The pill had worked after all. She takes more steps inside and without even realizing she feels a knife against her throat.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked.

"You are awake?!" She was shocked. Trying not to move so that the knife doesn't go any deeper than it already has.

"Well, I survived an entire building scrambling on my back, surely I can handle a few sleeping pills." She tilted her head to see her more clearly. "Yet, you really fell for it. Was it satisfying waiting me to 'fall asleep'? You came today so you must have recently found out about my. . . memory loss."

"You lied!" She realized.

"Why so shocked? Out of all people, you are best at it. I thought I wouldn't be able to fool you. Yet. . . here we stand." She really didn't. This plan was fifty-fifty for her.

"What do you want?" She requested.

"Why do you think I want something?"

"Faking a memory loss, waiting every night by the door, enduring sleeping pills, I'm sure you didn't do that just to kill me. That's too little. At the state you are now, you'd think. . . that's too little for me. So, speak, what is it that you seek child?"

She grit her teeth but she spoke, as she really wanted something. "Leonardo."

"My son?" She raised a brow.

"I want you to leave him alone. Not you or anyone else should come and pay a sudden visit to his room. No one. This fight is between you, me and my mother. Leave him out of it!" She ordered.

"Not that I had any intention to hurt him but now. . . what do I take out of this?" She now was very interested.

Selena digged the knife a little deeper, one drop of blood fell from her skin right into the dagger, slowly another one. "Your life."

Leonardo paused the video.


(Selena's POV)

I sighed and put on the dumb smile on my face again. He sat there at the table, with a newspaper sheet on his hand and a coffee on the table, he wore a white shirt together with long black pants, on top a massive coat that reached till down his shoes. His hair looked a mess though, as if he had run his hands over it over and over. He does it one time now and that's when he raises his face to look at me. I haven't felt this anxious never in my life, it's like I'm about to be sentenced to death yet they are torturing me first with the thing I am avoiding the most now. . . truth.

He glances me up-down, his eyes taking a painfully slow motion through my body. Suddenly the white dress I so lovingly put this morning didn't seem so comfortable. I tried to lower it more, to hide my chest, my legs, to hide myself in it if I can. I sigh and I sit across him, avoiding his eyes at all cost. "Good coffee." I say.

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