20 | Revenge for the dead

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(Selena's pov)

He enters his office and I walk inside right behind him. He raises his brows trying to understand why have I followed him inside, from downstairs to upstairs without saying a thing and I take a breath before talking.

"Alice didn't mean that." I reassure him.

I am sure she didn't. She knows Leonardo more then anyone else, she must have said that out of anger towards her brother, she is the one person in the whole world who would never say those things for someone. She looks deep inside a human's heart before judging.

"You came all the way up to just tell me that?" He asks in disbelief.

I nod.

"God. You are pathetic." That cold tone.

"What?" I exclaim.

"There was no need. I already know what I am. Her words don't hurt me. If people saying I am a coldblooded killer hurt me, I would have jumped off this building since I was 15." He mocks me.

"Oh..." What am I supposed to say?

"Anyways. Go back and do whatever you do best aka take care of my mother. We are done for today." He adds.

I narrow my eyes but say nothing and leave. I came all the way up just to get that response? What were those words if he wasn't hurt? Worrying us for nothing. What a drama attention seeker guy!

Walking back to my room, I hear two familiar voices talking. It's Ms. Emma and Alice, they were shouting like crazy and laughing. I open the door and walk in, they stop their chit chat and glance back at me. I gulp down and put on a smile.

In a second they pull me inside the room, closing the door well. Their evil smirks on their face and their narrowed slightly eyes filled with sparkles and hopes. While mine... with confusion and desperation to understand just what is going on their head this time.

"Haven't you seen the news!!" They scolded me? For not seeing the news?... There is a first time for everything.

"No?..." They are gone murder me.

"Ah!" They both gasp. That's it I'm a goner. I didn't even left a will behind!! Why am I always unprepared?!

I tug my hands into the bed and hide myself with my blanket, they snatch it from me and shove in myself a site on google, in Italian. God hates me so much!! I pursue my lips and take a deep breath while closing my eyes.

How many times will I be reminded that I DON'T KNOW ITALIAN?! I got the point. I'll learn! I swear! But cut me some slack please! I grimace in puzzlement and they exclaim an 'oh' sound remembering I don't know Italian.

Alice takes the phone and reads it herself out loud.

"It is officially confirmed!! Mr.Hernandez has fallen head over heels for his wife!! Selena Hernandez! If those photos look forced then him confronting those girls and pushing him away while scolding them for his wife it the biggest proof that he is a simp over her!!" WHAT. THE . ACTUAL.

"Let me also say that those girls are daughters of politicans, women who could be a very well influence for mr.Hernandez and very bad news if he got on their bad side!! Since he wants to be a politician he practically risked his whole future for his wife!! Now all we need is a confirmation from the wife!! What is she willing to give up for him!!" If only they knew he didn't even care about that.

Alice squeaked around with ms.Emma and I sat there, rereading those not understandable yet kind understandable now words. How can people believe thing so easily? I know I can't be the one talking cause I believed I can fly while watching a toturial on youtube but even so!! This is more stupid than that!! How can they believe thing so fast?! Humans are idiots.

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