56 | The motive

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(Selena's POV)

"That was her plan all along?" Zamira asked after Mente revealed everything.

He nodded.

"But why. . . why would she want to send her son to jail? I guess she had someone following us and found out once the mission was over Hernandez promised to keep his words and go to jail. That is no big secret. The secret is why she wants her son to be sent in prison? I get that she hates him but with no motive. . . he is useless to her. She doesn't want revenge on him, she wants on me." She grimaces at her thoughts. "I have no weak point for that guy! Actually, she is doing me a favor!"

"You may not have a weakness for him but someone in this room does. . ." All eyes landed on me. Obviously.

"Selena." She sighed. "I should have thought that.

I look away.

"Even so." Leonardo spoke. "Selena wouldn't get me out of jail. Even if she has a weak point for me. . . she would not get me out of jail we agreed on this we—we talked about it I'm going to jail and she agreed so. . ." He trailed off. "This makes no sense. She must have calculated wrong."

"She has not." She clapped her computer to close it.

"Sarah, what are you saying?" He turns harshly at her. "What do you mean by your words? Are you implying anything? I don't get you." He furrowed his brows and wrapped his arms angrily over his chest. "You wouldn't land as low and think that she will not to her job as a cop well."

"That's not what I meant." She argued back. "I mean. . ." Her eyes landed on me. "Think about it Leon. . . you made the deal. . . you left. . . you received no answer. She stayed behind. She helped you out of. . ." She started counting. "One situation? Two? Three? Four? God knows how many! Do you think she will suddenly have a sense of justice and get you right where you. . . belong?" She didn't believe that he was meant to go in jail. By the judge of her words—expect from the fact that she is slandering me—she is also trying to give her message of disapproval for this whole agreement.

And he has realized that.

But the point is. . . "Sarah is saying the truth, this deal is not truthful, both s—"

"Mentecatto, what can my mother gain from me going to jail?" Yet he decided to change the subject so as to alarm them that maybe. . . that is his decision to make.

Mentecatto sighed and shaked his head with bad news. "The moment you enter the police station for any kind of small or big crime. . . she. . . she has. . ." He started fidgeting with his fingers. "She has planned that no matter what you are accused of, every crime you have committed will get revealed and you'll get sentenced for a life time. So. . ." He was thinking how to allow the words escape from his mouth without sounding as bad as they are yet no matter what, the try was in vain. "She knows Selena won't accept that and she'll try everything to take you out, once she succeeds she'll have a reason to protest and she'll tell everyone else inside to do so with her, in the excuse of the police being fair and that's how she'll create a riot," He turned at me. "You'll go in jail," At Zamira. "You'll end jobless and in pain by seeing your daughter behind bars. That's her final plan."

She is quite smart I give her that. On that part I can see where Leonardo gets from. Hurting a mother by her daughter is something anyone would have thought, it's the first thought of every criminal the thing is. . . not only will she hurt Zamira by making her lose everything but she'll also keep us apart forever. Zamira will receive a dishonor from her job and she'll lose everything she has so hardly build while I'll. . . I'll lose everything and everyone I have fought for. Two birds with one stone.

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