12 | Double date

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(Selena's pov)

"We are going on a double date!!" Alice exclaims happily.

"What did you do girl?!" She nudges my shoulder.

"I did nothing!" I reply with a sly smile on my face.

She shakes her head not believing me at all and I start telling her everything that happened. She is flabbergasted by everything yet I am too carried away in my own thoughts to realize how shocked she is.

"You did it!!" She acts like I won something.

"I know right!?" But I did win something.

I try on dresses with all the desire in me today, this day has gotten pretty good for me, its like my lucky day. Of course my charms would work on me! Duh! I'm the best at flirting and he is the one who has openly admitted he has feelings for me, its not my fault I use them.

"Let's try this!!" Alice grabs my hand and pulls me over at the wardrobe.


(3rd pov)

Leonardo walks into the meeting room looking like a real man, ready to kill anyone who disagrees with him or even hesitates him. He didn't see a difference to that.

He was wearing a white button-down, half untucked into his curiously unrumpled black slacks. His shirtsleeves are folded, pushed up past his elbows. The men in front of the doors opened the door and bowed as he entered, the others inside too the moment they glanced at him.

He walked in with his head up high and his mind consecrated on the people who were awaiting for him. Everyday he wakes up realizing this life was something he didn't want...

"Are you excited for today?" Aless whispered entering behind his boss.

"We'll talk about that later." Alessandro made the plans himself using Leonardo's name. He found out about it today and he'll make sure to have a good talk with his friend over here who is grinning like a fool.


(Selena's pov)

It definitely took us both time to dress up but the final look is jaw dropping. Ms.Emma came and complimented us for half an hour, she looked more tired today and I really had second thoughts about going instead of staying with her.

"How are you feeling?" Alice asks.

"Relaxed, unlike you. Why are you so scared?" I ask her.

"I'm not scared! I'm nervous!" She corrects me.

I nod and roll my eyes. She clasps her bag hard as we walk down the stairs and looks at me nervously, I grasp her hand and assure her that everything will be okay.

"You. Look. Drop dead gorgeous!!" Alessandro exclaims, appearing out of nowhere together with his totally uninterested friend aka Leonardo.

Did I really affect him? How? Was it the name thing? Never knew it could have such a big impact to be honest. Yet thank God cause that may be my newest biggest weapon against him. I don't even know how that will be a weapon but I'l find a way later.

"Do you like my dress?" I ask him.

He hums.

"I see..." I murmur.

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