13 | About last night

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(Selene's pov)

Being one inch away. He was looking my eyes so deeply. And I was doing the same his eyes were going up-down at my eyes and lips. And I was doing the same.

He leaned in, our lips t-


A gunshot.

I got up immediately. And so did he. He took a gun out of his pocket and pointed it out. And I turned to look away. Guns aren't my thing, and after the accident... I don't want to even see them.

We heard another gunshot, I could feel his body grow tense at that as he got up, Alessandro came up running, armed as well as Alice. They all were ready to shoot at whoever had done so first. I gulp down my anxiety and fold my hand into a fist to keep my fingers from shaking.

"Are you okay?" He said that to me but his eyes were wondering around.

As he was checking. We saw nothing. And with that we turned back.


(Leo's pov)

"Who ever was that guy, I'll find them." I say.

I haven't found out who was behind this but I'm guessing the one who was behind all the others as well yet this time aimed towards me, they finally decided to come at the one they are really after, did they pity her and thought to let her go?

I sigh in frustration. I almost kissed her... I said I'll stay away and yet I almost kissed her. What is wrong with me?! Why am I like this around her?! She drives me mad and I don't want that!!

"Man... Not all of us are morning people, why did you wake me up so early?!" Aless whines.

"There was a gunshot last night." I announced.

After we got home, we all agreed not to speak about it and that's how it went. No one knows about it and the house is calm, I don't want anyone jumping around my business and creating terror in the house with my so called father in here.

"I know. I kinda was there." He says totally mad that I woke him up to tell him what he already knows.

"Did you find anything?" I ask him the obvious.

"No! I was tired I wanted to sleep!" He responds.

"You are supposed to do that!" I backfire.

"I know! I slept! That's what I'm saying!" He replies.

"Not that! I mean, finding out you moron!" I shout at him.

He scoffs and huffs and starts cussing me under his breath, murmurs something about me being lazy while he barely gets his ass up the couch. How dare he?! I should probably replace him.

"Anyway, go find out about it." I say.

"Do I look like your maid?" He responds, narrowing his eyes.

I glare at him and he glares back. I don't know why he even tries at this point, we already know I always win this game. He is a looser, he doesn't know what real glaring is all about and he is still a newbie at this.

"Fine! Fine! I'm going!" And he admitted defeat.

"Also call for a meeting." I add.

He nods. He starts walking away looking like a ghost and taking an whole damn hour to make on step, slowly slowly he walked out the office and I am alone again, with all those papers to deal with. I hate this paper work more then killing people!

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