22 | Its all about the glances

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(3rd pov)

"I am sure she did this on propose! That's why she isn't coming to see me!" Leonardo pouted.

He has been complaining about everything in the hospital and especially the food. Blaming it on Selena and saying she saw the opportunity aka to make his life a living hell, and didn't hesitate to agree.

He had connected it in his head very well also with the fact that she hasn't come to visit.

There is only one thing he is glad he as at hospital about... work. He doesn't have to do any cause the doctor said his mind should be relaxed and his body shouldn't feel tense for him to heal faster. The bad thing is... he has been using that as an excuse against Aless, making him do EVERYTHING!!

"Aless I need a glass of water!" He called the other guy.

"But the glass is j-"

"The doctor said I shouldn't move too much cause then my body tenses and I won't heal fast. You don't want me to heal?" He interrupted.

"No, I just- fine! Tell me when to stop pouring." He rolled his eyes at how stupid his friend was being.


"Aless!! ALESS!!" He yelled.

"What?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" Aless woke up all worried.

"What time is it?" He asked while having the phone on his hand.

"Dude! You literally have your phone in your hand!! Why can't yo-"

"The doctor said the light hurts my eyes, which means it will also affect my body and then my wound. Do you want me to get blind with a wound?" Yes. It doesn't even makes sense.

"What- forget it. The time is... 2 and 34 am." He forced a fake smile and then headed to sleep.


Aless run up to the room Leonardo was held, only to find him grimacing at his food and playing video games on his phone.

Aless walked up to him all furious and snatched the phone off his hand. He looked up and glared at Aless for stopping his game.

"Game over!" A robotic voice was heard.

"Oh man! You made me loose! Why would you do that?!" Leonardo whined.

Aless gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists, almost smashing the phone and took a deep breath putting his 'I will murder you' smile on his face.

"What?" Leonardo asked acting innocent.

"You had a meeting this morning." Aless reminded him.

"And?" Yet this guy wasn't getting the point.


Leonardo covered his ears and folded himself scared of this guy in front of him yelling and scolding him for everything. To be honest judging from the way Leonardo was looking him, he looked horrible. Dark circles, messy hair, smelling like crap and he is on his pj's.

"But I am in the hospital and I can't wa-"

"It was a phone meeting." Aless cut him off.

"But I can't stay too much on my phone, the doctor said-"

"That I'll rip his head off if he says another thing!!" He cut him again.

"No, its just that my eyes-"

"Are filled with bullshit!" He was so angry.

"No. I just-"

"Need to fucking get up and back on track cause I am done doing your job for you!!" They both had their point of view in this conversation just not the same one.

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