35 | Crazy mad

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(Selena's pov)

I kept on pushing the pedal and swirling the steering wheel, I felt proud of myself yet also worried. Leonardo was here just two minutes ago but now I am alone racing on the roads with Coby while he is being the most sly fox in the world. Pulling those 'secret' moves on me, almost killing just to win but I won't allow it to happen.

My hair floss on the back of my head since the air is hitting my face while I stare for just a second into my glossy lips. Actually looking behind whether he is there or not. He isn't. Where did he vanish? I have no idea.

"You look troubled, princess." He pushed me away with his car.

I cursed inside my breath. He scared the crap out of me and he is obviously trying to get me off roads. But he knows nothing about how good I am- hope I am. I tap the pedal with my boots and push till down down, reaching Coby in matter of seconds. "Get your eyes checked, sly fox. I'm not the troubled one, you are!"

I thought he was good but he has only been trying to win by using sly tricks. He is just a cheap version of my teacher and I really hated that he always taught how to cheat instead of win my sweat and hardwork. I won't allow his cheap version take me out.

He attacks me again, yet this time so hard I lose balance. I must knock out of it and not focus on anything else but what's in front of me! I take a deep breath and again the control of the crazy wheel. "Sly fox, are your intentions to kill me?" I ask.

I haven't reached him yet-"Last turn!" Everyone yells.

When the fuck did we get on the last turn? I try to control all the stress building in me and keep on kicking the pedal-if it stops working I'm screwed-for sly reasons he is in front of me and I can't see where is Leonardo. Did he leave? Obviously, yet where did he go?

I start looking around loosing the control of the car. The beautiful orange car that I did so much to get yet now I'm not even focusing on it. I need to find Leonardo, where did he go-

"Eyes on the road, princess!" He crashed his car into me.

I grit my teeth and glare at him. "Keep your car off mine arsehole!"

He smirked. "There no rules around here, mamacita."

I raise my hand and give hin the finger-I will pray later for forgiveness-and I speed up. I can't allow myself to get distracted by him, he isn't even a guy I care about. It's not even a big deal, remember that he is also the enemy, Selena. He will never become your friend. . . I believe in you. . . Why does he even believe in me? He doesn't even know that I have been filling him with lies? Bad for him.

I tighten my grip around the wheel, my hands sticking from how much I'm sweating and I can hear my phone beeping, now I can't answer it. I know pretty well who is, the woman I have been avoiding for days. Why am I avoiding her? Cause I don't know how to tell her that I got so messed up into this that I'm also a criminal. I can't even understand who I am.

The finishing line is just out of reach. . . yet the phone keeps buzzing me off. I grasp it from my pocket and as I throw it off the window. . . it's like it backfired on me for throwing it.

"SELENA!!" I hear his voice scream through the whole crowds screams.


«Police station, New york.»

(Hellan's pov)

I was at the police station. Trying to find out more. I figured since no one around can tell me why not come here. No one knows my identity. I'm simply a guy with big curiosity. Nothing too suspicious.

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