26 | Same goal, different ways

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(Selena's pov)

I take a deep breath and knock, I hear his voice from the other side of the door allowing me to enter and I do so. I check my shirt one last time and step inside his office.

He, as usual is dealing with papers and documents. All over his desk, in a very good place everything is being perfectly crafted by him. With one hand writing, with the other checking his other files.

I sit opposite him, cough two times to get his attention. He lifts his head and raises a brow, I grin and wave.

"I wanna ask you out." I blurt out.

"What?!" He looked at me, totally weirded out by me.

"Yeah... I..." Can't bring myself to say that.

"I kinda... think... I..." This can't get any worser.

"Don't say it. Please spare me those disgusting words." How can he read romantic books and be so anti romantic at the same time?

OUT... of... my point though.

"I wasn't gone say 'I like you'." He cuts my sentence short by wincing and grimacing.

"I just want us... to... strengthen... our.... friendship?..." Please work! Please!

He looks me up and down, narrows his eyes and pursued his lips while thinking about my ulterior motive, even he noticed my behaviour is not normal. I know this plan wouldn't work!

"Fine, be ready by 3 o'clock, I'll wait outside." I knew this plan would work!

"Great! Fantastic! Yeah!" I laugh and ran out the room before he does anything else.


(Selena's pov)

"Stop following me around!!" He let out frustrated.

Its not my fault, how would I know that he would just take me out on a walk and then back home again. He has never done that before and why did he did it now?? What changed with this guy?!

"We already went outside what else do you want?" He adds to his already tired of this monologue.

"For fifteen minutes!! Who strengthen their friendship in 15 minutes??" I reply.

He puts his hand over his nose and makes circles around the edged of the eyes and exhaled annoyed. I saw him swirl his tongue inside his mouth and trying to control his anger.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but I have work." Just like that he left.

I wince and sigh.

If I can't get his attention the quiet way, I'll just go on with the loud one.


(3rd pov)

Selena walked inside the penthouse with a big black bike, guards following her around, running behind her, trying to catch up and telling her to stop yet she wouldn't listen.

Roaming around the big house with the bike, she had all the eyes on her. Even Emma was observing from her window how her daughter-in-law was going crazy around the house. No matter the loud sounds Emma was grinning down to the child and being proud of her.

"Leonardo Hernandez, come for a ride!!" She kept on shouting.

"If you don't you are a c-" Before she could finish her sentence he threw coffee on top of her head, making her stop and falling down from the bike.

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