39 | We are married, that's why

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(Zamira's POV)

I shoved the door behind me and headed directly to my office. I closed the door well and I fell down on the ground, unable to hold myself any longer. My heart broke when I saw her looking at me like that but I have no other way to do this. If this plan fails as well I don't know what else to do or how to react.

Painful memories in the back of my mind are making their way up and I don't need it right now. But maybe going right back on the start will help me find any clues. Wait, that's it!

I get up and reach at the third drawer on the right of my desk, the one locked. I reach for my key which is always chained around my neck with a necklace that I keep dear to me. I open the file filled with everything. My whole past from the start till. . .


The music was so loud I couldn't concentrate on my book. I told Rachel that it would be stupid to host such a big party for some horny teenagers but she didn't listen, now I was stuck reading my book, or at least trying too, cause the music was too loud.

Also can we talk about the fact that two or more people came in this room, telling me to get out so that they could. . . bliah! Disgusting!

I shook my head.

A knock on the door.

Not again—

"Hey." Not horny teenagers that's for sure.

"John!" I jolted out from bed and dusted myself.

"I'm kinda drunk. . . mind if I lay a little. . . my head hurts. . ." He chuckled as I glared at him.

"You act worse than them!" I let him sit on the bed and I sat on the end of the bed side.

"Whatcha reading?" He asked as he took the book from where I had left it in bed.

"Just a book." I responded. Taking it off his hands.

"Pride and Prejudice." He reads it out loud. "Isn't it the fifth time now?" He titled his head to the side and raised his brows.

"Not your concern." I put the book back on the drawer.

"What draws you back to that book?" He asked.

I looked at him and he looked back, his hazel eyes looking all over me up and down, checking everything, my whole body and then stopping in my eyes. It took me a little to notice that his shirt was unbuttoned revealing half his chest, his muscular broad shoulder fitting perfectly, and a necklace hanging on his neck. . .

"So?" He broke the silence.

"So?" I forgot what he asked me.

"What draws you to the book?" He asked again.

"Ah! AH! The book! The book!" I showed the book and he nodded. "Dumb me!" I slapped my head playfully and he laughed at that.

"Well. . . I think. . . Elizabeth's pride is a very strong reason which makes me interested in the book." I answered.

"But she was too pride to understand and accept her feelings for Darcy." He reminded me.

"Even so. . . he was also too pride to admit that he was taken away by her attitude! Let's not forget he called her ugly and not fitting woman for him." I continued.

I sat down at the bed not leaving his eyes as I close the drawer. He came closer.

"But he was a rich guy so. . . don't all rich guys act like that at start?" His brown eyes were shining deep in mine.

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