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Jayden turned his head as he looked for his friend. "WILL!"


Jayden looked at the voice's owner, "Mrs.Byers?" Jayden scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion.

Joyce looked at Jayden as she put a hand on his shoulder, "What's going on? Where's Will?" Joyce watched as Jayden shook his head and looked around in panic.

Jayden felt Joyce's eyes piercing into the side of his face. "I-I don't kn-"

"The field!"

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the voice, Lucas panted as he ran back outside.

The group quickly ran after Lucas as they all silently freaked out when they saw Mike trying to wake up Will who had his eyes closed and stood in the middle of the field.

Mike shook Will, "Will! I just found him like this!" Mike turned to look at Joyce who gasped and stood infront of Will as she shook him.

Mike looked back at Will, "I think he's having another episode!"

Joyce shook Will, "Will?! Will! WILL!" Joyce looked towards the children in confusion and concern before she looked back at her son.

"Sweetie, wake up! It's me, Mom!" Joyce stared at Will's closed eyelids.

Jayden looked at Will in concern as he felt another pair of eyes on him, turning to his side max looked at him in confusion.

"What's happing to him?" Max whispered to Jayden as they both looked back at Will.

"I think he's having-" Jayden started off before he felt a hard nudge, looking beside him he saw Mike glaring at him.

Jayden looked away quickly as he stood quiet.

Max looked down at Jayden, "Hello? Seriously? Just tell m-"

Jayden looked at Max, he sent her an apologetic smile before he turned to look at Will, ignoring Max as she kept on trying to get him to tell her.

Max clicked her tongue angrily as she looked towards Will.

"Will, wake up! Can you hear me?" Joyce shook Will aggressively as she watched his eyelids move side to side.
"Will, please wake up! Wake up!"

The friend group looked at eachother in fear and concern as they felt extremely scared and sorry for their friend.

"It's mom! It's me!" Joyce blinked away her tears as she stared at her poor son.

Jayden jumps slightly as Will's eyes shot open before he gasped loudly.

What happened to him?


"Mornin' Dart!" Dustin greeted happily, taking of the top of the tank.

Jayden rolled his eyes as he watched Dart stretch. He shouldn't have lied to the party, he felt bad. But he didn't want to make his brother upset.

Dustin grinned widely, "I got breakfast, your favorite!" Dustin talked as he threw some small pieces of nougat into the tank, dart eating it happily.

Dustin watched as Dart ate, "I gotta go to school, I'll be back soon. Sound good."

Jayden stared at Dart as he looked towards Dustin. Or did he? Dart didn't seem to have eyes, so he 'faced' towards Dustin.

Dustin covered the tank as he grabbed his backpack before walking out of his bedroom with Jayden following behind him.

stranger things x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now