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"Dusty, baby are you sur-" Claudia started off only to get cut off by Dustin who held up a finger.

Jayden looked at his panicking mother who looked over at him, "Jayjay, did you check your room? Are you sure she's not there?" Claudia whispered letting out a sad sigh when Jayden shook his head.

Dustin held the telephone up to his ear, "uh-huh, thank you so much, Mr. Corkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver," Dustin spoke into the phone.

Jayden looked at his mom who perked up at the words Dustin was saying. Jayden felt really bad, even if mews hissed and scratched him, he knew how much she meant to his mom.

Though Jayden didn't like Mews, one time she secretly ate half the chips Jayden had left in a bag. The two had problems with each other.

"All right, thank you. Have a good one. Bye-bye now. Alright, you too." Dustin hung up the phone before turning around to face Claudia who quickly went up to him with hope.

Jayden watched as the two looked at eachother for a moment before he got up and walked to stand next to Dustin.

Dustin looked at his mom, "All right, great news." Dustin smiled.

Claudia tilted her head as she tried not to let out any tears, "They found her?"

Jayden looked at Dustin wondering what lie he would come up with, "No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." Dustin said as he walked closer to his mother.

Claudia smiled as she silently bursted into tears, "O-oh no! How did the poor baby get all the way out there?"

Dustin forced a sad smile as he gently grabbed onto his mothers arms, "I don't know.. Lost, i guess. But they're gonna look for her." Dustin tried calming down their mother as he looked over at Jayden.

Dustin gestured to Jayden, "And, we'll stay here, just in case they call again." Jayden nodded as he looked up at his mother who nodded quickly and smiled.

Dustin held his mother's hands, "And you're gonna go help look? Yeah?" Dustin spread his arms.

Claudia cried but smiled as she hugged Dustin quickly, Jayden just watched awkwardly as he tried not to burst out that Mews was eaten by a creature that isn't from their world.

"Give us a hug, give us a hug," Dustin looked over at Jayden who looked back at him cluelessly, Dustin rolled his eyes as he grabbed onto Jayden's sleeve before pulling him into the hug.

"Go get her, okay?" Dustin whispered at his mother who wiped her tears and nodded as she hugged her two sons. "You're gonna find her alright?"

Claudia let go of her sons as she ran to grab her purse, "okay! Yeah."

Dustin gave her two thumbs up, "we can find her!"

Claudia nodded as she put on her sunglasses, "We can find her."

Dustin smiled, "I love you." Dustin sent her a kiss before he nudged Jayden.

Jayden cringed as he also sent their mother a kiss.

Claudia sent both her sons a kiss aswell as she opened the door, "I love you!"

Dustin smiled at his mom, "All right, go!"

Claudia nodded as she walked out the door before closing it.

Jayden looked over at his big brother who did the same as their eyes widened.

Jayden and Dustin both quickly ran out their back door heading towards their cellar, the boys quickly unlocked it before opening it wide open.

The boys looked into the dark cellar before they nodded and ran back inside, Dustin headed towards a closet to get gear while Jayden headed towards the kitchen fridge to get beef bologna meat.

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