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"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun." Dustin spoke, he had just came back from spying on the Russians from the same roof top from last night.

"Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." Dustin continued as he paced around.

Robin shook her head, "But there's gotta be a way in."

Steve set down his ridiculous scoops ahoy hat and sighed, "Well, you know.. i could just take him out." Steve looked at the three who raised their eyebrows.

"Hm? Take... who out?" Jayden spoke up from behind Dustin, sitting on the opening of the window.

Steve looked at him, "The Russian guard." Steve stated, watching as Jayden huffed and leaned against the frame of the window.

"What? I sneak up  behind him, i knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy." Steve explained his 'plan' that would most definitely get HIM knocked out or killed.

Dustin faced him, "Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" He crossed his arms, Steve staring at him.

"Yes, Dustin, i did."

"And that's why i would be sneaking." Steve made a sneaking figure with his fingers.

Dustin hummed sarcastically, "Hm, well, please, tell me this, and be honest.."

Jayden smiled as he caught on what Dustin was going to say, "have you ever actually experienced... winning a fight?" Jayden finished for his brother, hopping off the counter.

Steve sat up, "Okay, that was one time-"

Dustin held up two fingers, "Twice. Jonathan. Year prior?" He cut the older off who scoffed.

"Listen, that doesn't count." Steve quickly defended as he looked at the two who rolled their eyes.

Jayden stood next to Dustin,
"How come? Because it looked to me like he beat the absolute.."

"Shit out of you." Dustin finished for him as the two looked at the older who fixed his hair.

Jayden thought back to the time he had seen Steve in the waiting room when they were waiting for will to wake up, he frowned at the thought but immediately shook it off.

"You had a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye, and a bunch of blood.." The two brothers continued taunting the older boy who tried winning against the two.

Jayden let out a little laugh before facing robin who was staring at an air vent on a wall.

"That might just work." Robin muttered to herself before rushing up to the front main room, grabbing a handful of money from the tip jar.

The three boys hurriedly stood behind the window, watching the girl as she started to run out. "Robin?"

Steve called out for the girl, running to the main room as well, the two brothers following behind. "Hey, robin! Hey, wha- what are you doing?"

Robin turned back to face Steve,
"I need cash."

"Uh- well half of that is mine. Where you going?" Steve asked watching as robin shrugged and continued walking.

"To find a way into that room, a safe way." Robin yelled across the shop, halfway out the exit. "And, in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don't get beat up."

Jayden watched as the teen girl set rules for the three, grabbing a tiny sample spoon he began eating tiny bits of every ice cream, Dustin eating from Steve's scooper.

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