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"You're positive that was dart?" Lucas asked, looking between the Hendersons.

Dustin rolled his eyes, "Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."

Everyone looked at Dustin with a weird expression as they continued to walk on the tracks.

Max exhaled, "He was tiny two days ago." Max said as she looked at Dustin who nodded.

"He's molted three time already." Dustin stated as he kept his eyes on the ground infront of him.

Steve looked at Dustin in confusion, "Malted?"

Jayden shook his head, "Molted. Shed his skin to make room for growth," Jayden explained as Steve nodded.

Max looked at the two infront of her, "Well, when is he going to molt again?"

Dustin shrugged, "It's got to be soon. When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it." Dustin stated as he looked at Max.

Jayden nodded, "So will his friends.."

"Yeah, he's gonna eat more than just cats." Steve said.

Lucas stopped the two Henderson from walking any further, "Wait cat? Dart ate a cat?"

Jayden gulped as he quickly shook his head, "No, what? No." Jayden said nervously as Steve looked at him confusedly.

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews." Steve looked at the smaller boy who face palmed.

Max looked at Steve, "Mews? Who's mews?"

Steve shined the flashlight at Jayden's and Dustin's face, "it's Jayden and Dustin's cat."

Dustin glared at Steve, "Steve!" Dustin looked at steve with a betrayed look.

Lucas shoved Dustin and Jayden making them stumble back a bit, "i knew it! You guys kept him!"

Jayden shook his head trying to think if something to say, "No! N- we- u-um."

Everyone looked at him as he tried to form words, "he missed me! He wanted to come home.." Dustin shouted as he put on a sad and guilty face.

Lucas squinted his eyes at him, "Bullshit!"

Dustin threw his arms in the air dramatically, "We didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?"

Lucas crossed his arms as he looked between the two, "oh so now you admit it?"

Max rolled her eyes at their arguing, "Guys! Who cares we have to go."

Lucas scoffed, "I care! You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!" Lucas pointed at a guilty Dustin before he turned to face Jayden before shoving him,

"And you, helped him! You just get attached to someone and become like their pet, because what? You don't want to upset them?" Lucas stared at Jayden who stayed quiet and stared at the floor filled with regret.

Jayden knew what he was saying was true, but he couldn't help it!

Steve and Max looked between Jayden and the two arguing boys.

Dustin groaned as he shoved Lucas, "you broke the rule of law aswell, not just us!" Dustin quickly defended his brother.

Lucas huffed, "What?"

Dustin shined his flashlight in Max's face, "You told a stranger the truth!"

Max scoffed as she blinked rapidly, she could've sworn she'd gone blind. "A stranger?!" She shouted, clearly offended.

Lucas got in Dustin's face, "You wanted to tell her too!" Lucas yelled.

Dustin rolled his eyes, "Yeah! But I didn't, Lucas! Okay? I didn't tell her." Dustin yelled back.

stranger things x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now