Part 10

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Brie: You Got It. Myself and Trin will Plan it, Nikki and You can Work on The Guest List. Tori: One thing I ask is a Co-ed Shower. Brie: Sure thing. They Go Shopping and head back to Tori's house. Tori Sits on the Couch. Trin: Worn out? Tori: Yeah, This Pregnancy is a lot Rougher than my Last. Jimmy Get your Samoan Ass Down here, Your Wife is Here. Jimmy: Alright Cuz No need to go Ambrose on us. Tori: Well Get use to it because in a Few Months There is Going to be two Ambrose's around wwe! Jey: Your Joking Ambrose Finally Popped the Question? Tori: Yes! Your Cousin's Getting Married. Your also going to be an Uncle again if Joe or Jon Didn't tell You. Jimmy: Congrats, I Put 2 and 2 together when Joe asked Us to Help Redo the Nursery. Tori: I'm gonna need Your Parents Mailing Address for the Wedding Invitations. Jey: Alright. Who's Going to Walk you down the Isle? Tori: Probably Leati Sr, But I'm not Sure. Joe's Probably in the Wedding. I will Figure it Out at Some Point, As long as I can Convince Jon into Letting Mark Henry, Big Show and Kane be Like Guards at the Wedding Ceremony because the Reception is Going to be Privet. Jon: If you want those three Guards then that's Fine with Me Baby Girl.. Tonight We will Make a Rough list for the wedding and baby shower! Then Start Looking for Venues and Reception Hall. Tori: I think I know the Perfect place! Cinderella's Castle at Disney World in Orlando.Might Have to Rethink Color Scheme. Brie: Not Really because Black and Silver are Neutral Colors. In all Honesty I think its the best Place for Both the Wedding and The Reception. Tori: Time to Make some Calls. Joe: Look at Me Tori, This is Going to be your Day. Your Going to marry Your Best Friend, Soul mate and Father of Your Son and was Winter's Father, May She Rest in Peace. You have been through Hell and Jon has been there every step of the way. You have become a better Person because of Him. When You Sadly had to lay your precious Daughter down Jon never left your side. You Took almost two months off of work and Jon was by your side. I Love you Sis and You Deserve the Wedding of Your Dreams. The Two of You are Embarking on a New Journey together. Our Dad will Walk you Down the Isle. Your the Daughter our Family Never Had. We Love you. Now Waddle over Here and Give me a Hug. Tori Laughs and Hugs Joe. Tori sits down with an Icy hot Patch on her lower back. Jon: You okay Princess? Tori: My Lower Back is Killing me but I'll Live. I've got a Ton of Stuff to do Tomorrow. I have laundry that needs to be done, Phone calls to make, Grocery Shopping that needs to be Done, Bags that need to be Packed, Emails that need to be typed to Hunter, Steph and Vince, Co-ed Baby Shower Guest List needs to be written along with a Rough Wedding Party List and Guest List, Not to Mention I've got a Baby Apt tomorrow at 1 so my Advice babe if You plan on going is hit the Gym Early in the Morning. Jon: Can Do Babe, Or You know what I can get my work out in tonight. Joe: That sounds great. Sis You write the Grocery List and Colby and I can go get that Done. The emails can wait till You see Hunter and Steph Monday at the Arena. Laundry You can start A Load Tonight, The Lists can wait for a couple weeks. Just make that Phone call to the Hotel at Disney world and go from there. I can Make the Phone Call and You, Dad, Mom, Jon, Rosy and Myself go grab Dinner Tomorrow Night and we can call talk about Baby Moxley and Your Engagement. Tori Nods and gets up and heads to the Kitchen and Loads the Dishwasher and Finds the Take out Menus for Dinner. She heads to the Living Room and Places them on the Table then heads to Her and Jon's room and grabs the Dirty Laundry and heads to the Laundry Room. She starts doing the Laundry and heads back to the Guys. Jon: What are you in the Mood for love? Tori: Honestly I could Go for a Nice Large Cheese Pizza with Extra Cheese stuffed Crust, Some Buffalo Wings and Ranch. You guys can Look through and find what you want, then Jon can Call it in and Can some one pick it up please and maybe stop at Starbucks and grab me a Granad Green Tea Frap please? Jon: Got it Baby Girl. Love you want me to stop at the Frozen yougart place and Pick you up a larger pint of Orange or Black Cherry? Tori: Black Cherry Please. Colby, Joe any Dirty Laundry bring it to the room off the left side of the Kitchen. Tori heads to the laundry room and switches over Her and Jon's Clothes into the Dryer. Joe comes in and Puts His Clothes into the washer. Tori sits down for a bit. Joe: You alright Sis? Tori: Lower Back is Killing me . Maybe Jon can Massage my Back tonight and see if that helps. Joe: It should sis. It Helped with your 1st Pregnancy. I'm glad You've got Ambrose in your Life. You've changed for the better little sis. I love you always Remember that. Tori Nods and Jon Comes in with all the Food Plus Starbucks and Tori's Frozen Yogurt. Jon Hands Tori Her Frap. Jon: I'll Give you a back massage tonight Love Promise. Tori: Thank You. You Know You don't Have to babe.

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