Part 6

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 Joe Hands Tori  her Tea. Tori Curls Up next to Jon and falls asleep. Jey: You take Care of Her. Like You always Have. Your Holding Her together and Thats what she needs, Don't loose her Alright. She Looses You then We loose her and I don't Think Joe, Jimmy, Colby, John, Nikki, Brie, Phil, Aj, Nattie, Daniel,Hunter, Steph, or myself can Handle That! That Girl in Your Arms Might only be 5'5 and 110 lbs but Her emotions are real and her heart is Pure Like The Love she Gives You! Your her world Jon. Have been since day 1.  Jon: You have my word! I'm asking her to Marry me at Summer Slam after her Win against brie! I'm Settling Down. Its Time to Make Her Mrs Ambrose. I'm just hoping she will say Yes?  Joe: I know Tori pretty Damn Well I know She will say Yes!! She loves you Dude no matter What! You've always been there when Nobody else Has! Your Her Light at the End of the Tunnel!  Jimmy: Joe's Right, Tori's Going to say Yes! You all Belong Together. You've helped Her out a lot! Her Family Just Uses her. We're Her Family! Jon: Thanks. Tori Stirred in her Sleep. Jimmy: Its Time for Us To go. She's Asleep. Take care of her Jon. Her and Joe might not be real Siblings but he looks after her like a big brother would Do. Jon: trust me She is my queen. I Lost Her once and I never want to loose her again. I love her to much to Hurt, Cheat or abuse Her.  While her and Colby are Gone, Joe is getting a hold of Nikki and Brie and have them Come over and help Plan a Girls Day For them, Then I'm getting A hold of Phil and Aj and have Colby order Comic Con Tickets for the Three of them.  Jimmy: Thats Great! Joe Remind her to at least call Your Mom and Our Dad. our Dad calls us to ask  How She's Doing. Joe: I can Do Something Better we can all meet up for Dinner My parents, Your Mom and Dad, Plus You, Trin, Jey and of Course Jon. She's Getting Better. Tori Wakes up and runs to the bathroom again. Jon Runs after her and Rubs her back.      Tori: Hate to say this but Close the Door Please and open the drawer behind You and hand me the Blue Box Please. Jon: you Don't think Your Pregnant do you? Tori: One way to Find out Love. Tori takes the test and it Comes out Negative. Tori: Its negative Time to Go to the Emergency Room, to Figure out whats wrong. I was Kinda hoping that it was positive,but that's  a little Selfish of me. Jon: No  its not Love, I was wishing the Same Thing, But Lets go get You Checked out and Figure out why Your Throwing up all of a Sudden. Tori: I agree babe, I love you No matter What.

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