Part 3

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Tori Heads out back and plants a kiss on the headstone. Tori: Well Baby Girl, Your Mommy's Finally with Jon! Your Mom is happy again. Him and Uncle Joe miss you. Your 3rd Birthday is coming up, Momma is trying to be strong.   Jon Comes out and hugs Tori.  Jon: I miss you Princess. You will always be my little Princess, Just like your Mom will be and always be my queen. Come on love, Lets curl up on the Couch, Movie and Cuddles.  Tori: Thank You babe for everything. You have never once left my side. Even though You had Plenty of chances to.  Jon: I never left your side because I'm in love with you and one day I want you to be Mrs Ambrose/Good/ Mox. Question Would you ever try for another one?  Tori: Yes as long as your the daddy! I Love you! Have since I saw you in FCW. We have known each other for a few years. My family loves you and you and my cousin are like best Bros! Tori Runs to the bathroom and throws up! Jon comes in and rubs her back.  Jon: Come on Love Lets get you cleaned up and in bed. We have to Film Smackdown tomorrow ,  Tori: Yay Not! Sorry I've gone against Dolph more times than I can count. I'm tempted to ask Vince if I can Turn Heel and Join the Shield or Something. The Mox Gimmick can wait. Can't wait to see People's Faces when I premiere as the Female Mox. Jon: I can't wait! Your Going to Look So Damn Sexy!   Tori: I'm Already Sexy! Your Just waiting to get into my pants. Jon: I can Wait baby! I Have before one other Time we've dated. Tori: I still Have that Ring You got me with Winter's Birthstone in the Center then Mine and yours Surrounding it. Tori gets Up and walks over to her Jewelry Box and pulled out the Blue Ring Box and took the Ring out and placed it on her Finger. She Stripped out of her Clothes and stuck Jon's Shirt back on. Turned on the Ac and laid Down for a Bit. Jon: Rest baby Tomorrow is a new day! I love you and only you! Our daughter is Missed. I loved her like she was my own. Tori: Oh Jon I want her Back in our Arms. She should be here going to Disney World with Us, Laying between Us when She's Had a bad Dream. I want Our Daughter in My Arms with You behind. She Loved You. Jon: Come Here Love. I miss her to There's not a day that goes by that I don't take that picture out of my wallet and look at it. She looked so much like you. Tori falls into a dreamless Sleep with Jon's Arms wrapped around her, Jon Got up carefully slipped on a pair of Tori's basketball shorts and went downstairs.  Jon Sat in the Living Room and Played one Movie that meant the world to Him, He Grabbed the Photo Album of them.     Joe: Can't Sleep Man? Jon: Nope, I'm Hurting but am trying not to let Tori see. Man Winter was our World. I miss her So Much, They say it gets easier but It Doesn't . Joe: I know , I Don't Like Seeing Her Break like this. You keep her Together. You really Did love Winter. Jon: Yeah man. She was my Princess. Tori's Sicker than a Dog. She Still Plans on Going to the Arena to Film Smack Down. She Needs a break Man. She works  Like 24/7. When We're not on the Air for Raw, She's on Main Event or has a match on Smackdown or behind the Sceans helping Hunter and Stephanie create Matches, works on Story Lines or creating something. Has She Even Scean her Brother?

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