Untitled Part 16

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They Get to the Local Emergency Room, The Doctors take her in. Doctor: Family for a Mrs Good? Jon: I'm Her Husband, and this one is her Brother! Doctor:We're Prepping her for Surgery! From the Tests Her Appendix burst and she's suffering from the Toxins, Her Recoup time maybe 8 to 10 weeks top! She's in Good hands! Jon: Please Just Save Her! Joe: I'll Call Hunter, One of Us is going to have to take time off, There's no Way Tori can Re coup and Take care of Mox. Jon: Tell Hunter on Smack Down I'll Issue an Open Challenge and Give up the Us Title. Your Sister/ My Wife is more Important! I Know your Parents would of Taken Care of them Both but its my Duty as a Husband! Hunter: Hello Joe what can I do for you? Joe: I'm Calling from the Hospital, if that counts, Waiting for Tori to Come back from Surgery! Jon wants the time off and if he has to he'll issue an Open Challenge on the Smack down Taping and loose the title! Hunter: Tell Jon to keep the Title and Take care of Tori, How long is she out? Joe: the Doctor is looking at 8 to 10 weeks, She never Knew She was Suffering from Appendicitis but when Dolph Hit Zig Zag is when it Burst! She's Gonna want to Change how the Shirt looks for her Gear! I know my Sister. Hunter: Thats Fine, Give her hell for me! Joe: Will Do, Are We needed for Smack Down? Hunter: No You Three Head home to Florida, I'll Send Rollins Down! Keep Us Posted. Joe: Will DO . Jon: What did Hunter Say? Joe: Your Still Us Champ, and Once She's Cleared to Leave,We head Home to Florida, We're not Needed on Smack Down and We Return either when Tori does or when Ever Hunter calls Us to get back on the Road. Doctor: Mr Good? Jon: Yes? Doctor: The Surgery Went Well, They are Wheeling Her down to Recovery! She will Be Cleared to Fly tomorrow. I want to Keep her over night as Precautionary Measures! Jon: Thats Fine. Joe: This is the Name of Her Primary Care Doctor in Florida, Can you Fax all the Papers to them? Doctor: I can! Joe: Thank You . At Smack down: Jimmy: Anyone seen Ambrose ,and Reigns? Cena: What Ambrose? Jimmy: Both? Hunter: Tori, Ambrose, and Reigns aren't Going to be here for a few Weeks! Jey: Why? Hunter: Tori was rushed in for Emergency Surgery Last Night! Her Appendix Burst when Dolph Landed Zig Zag on Her! Once She's able to Leave they are Flying Home to Tampa. Tori's looking at any were to 8 to 10 weeks not to mention its going to take a week or so for her to get back in the ring that's if she does. Tori: Hey Hunter! Hunter: Your Suppose to be Resting at Home in Tampa! Tori: Oh I know Blame Those two Idiots saying Kane has them in a 3 vs 3 Match! Kane scheduled me to saying If I skip out on this match I can kiss the Woman's Title good bye! Now I have to hit he Merch Stand grab a male Hounds of Justice Shirt and make a muscle Shirt.

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