Part 5

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Tori To Jey: Hey Cuz, Come Over Need to Talk to You Bring Jimmy and Trin to if You want.  Jey: Okay be there in 10. Tori Got up and threw on a pair of Jon's Shorts and a pair of his socks and went downstairs. Jon: You Okay baby? Tori: I'm Fine Love, I invited Jey Over, Its Time to Tell Him that I'm not upset or mad at him. Yes We miss Winter but we Need to remember the Good Times. She wouldn't want me to be Depressed. She would want me to be happy being with the guy that has always had my heart and she called Dada. Jon Hugged Tori.   Joe: I'll go make you a cup of peppermint tea. Honey as the sweetener sis?   Tori: Yes Please and Thank You! I love you Jon always and Forever, She loved you, I always made sure I had a picture of Us by her crib at all times. I took it and got a copy of it made and laid the copy in her casket.   Jon: I loved the Both of you. Seeing you Give Birth was Amazing love. I Hope one day to experience that Again. Tori: We will Babe I Promise. If We  have a boy what about Naming Him Moxley Joseph Good but Mox for Short? Jon: I love it. Joe is and will always be an important person in your life along with Jimmy and Jey. There was a knock on the Door. Joe opened it and it was Jimmy, Jey and Trin.    Tori: Sit Please. Jey I want you to know that I'm not upset or mad at you! The Short amount of Time I had my Daughter was a very big Life changer it brought Jon and I Closer together. My daughter will Live on in my heart. I want Us to be Close again. Like We were when we were younger.    Jey: Tor, We will always be  here, Thank You for letting me back in. I want to stop beating myself up for what happens! We need to get together and play football again!    Tori: I agree Touch, Flag, or Tackle Football?    Jimmy: Flag Football, You, Dean, Colby, Joe, Jey and myself and a couple other people as well? Tomorrow?   Tori: Alright will have to be afternoon cause Colby and I have Hair appointments in the Am. I'm Going back to black with Navy Blue Tips and He's just getting the Blond Touched up! I want  to let you all know Jon's staying in my life. I can't afford to Loose Him Again. He has Kept Me Grounded, Calm and can Handle me at the worst Times Possible. He's the Love of my Life. He's about the only Family I have. Joe is Like my Brother along with you to! His Mom Raised Me! My Family could care less about me, The only time they call me is when they are looking for money to pay their back bills. I'm nothing but a bank to them. Thats One Major Reason I live about 3.5 hours away from them  so I don't  Run into  My Parents! I'm Only a half hour drive away from Joe's Parents. Being Home Sometimes bite because Half the time I'm alone in this big house, But I will Never Move or Sell It though.

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