Part 18

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The Ambulance Left along with Colby and Joe. In Catering: Jey: Hunter whats going on? We just saw an ambulance take off not to mention Rollins, Both Ambrose's and Reigns are no longer to be found? Hunter: Thats because Tori Your Cousin in Law was in the Back! Our Legal team is handling everything! They Used stitches instead of staples to close her incision, she started to bleed out! It soaked the bandages that the hospital used and what Sampson used! Jimmy: Damn It; Our Cousin's been Through Enough, Now This?? Can She Ever Catch a break! Trin: Poor Tori! Jey: I can't. Jey walks off and starts throwing shit! Jimmy: Joshua, This isn't how Tori would want you to act right now! She'd tell Us not to Worry and go out there and make Pops Happy! Sorry about him Hunter, Tori, Him, and Joe were always Close! Actually all 4 of Us are! Hunter: Its Fine, Here's the Address, Call Tori's phone, Jon or Colby if Needed! I've got Joe's phone for the Pictures. Jimmy: Thank You! Hunter: NO Problem. You three Take time off go be with Tori and them. At the Hospital: Tori: What the Hell Happend? Jon: You Passed out at the Arena. Tori: Oh. Guess I Lost my Match at Mania then! Joe: No You Didn't. You still Have Your Match against Brie! Just Take it Easy. Hunter is Dealing with all the Legal Stuff. Tori: I'm Sorry. Jon: Look At Me Babe! All that Matters is your Here! Your on the Right Road to Recovery! Staples instead of Stitches. Tori: Does Mom and Dad Know? Joe: Mom and Dad are on their Way. Moxley is with Uncle Rosey. Jimmy, Jey, and Trin now To! Jey Started Throwing Shit but they are in the waiting Room. Jon: I'll Go grab them, I need some Coffee! Jey: How are you Cuz? Tori: Some Pain but Not as Bad as Before! I'll be glad to get home and Sleep in My Own Bed! Jey: I Bet! You Had all of Us Scared! Tori: I'm Sorry, I though I was Fine to Compete but I guess I wasn't. Guess You Win some and Loose some and there are Times where You Don't Even Know were to begin! Jey: Ain't that Right! Your Alive that's All! We almost lost You Once and it was a Dark Day for all of Us! Jimmy: Aunt and Uncle are Here! Tori: Can I see my Mommy Please? Jey: Of Course! Mary: Hey baby, How are you? Tori: On the Right Road to Recovery! Leati: Thats good Sweet Heart! Jon: Hey Love! Once Your Discharged We'll Head to the Hotel, Rest then We're all booked for an 11 am red eye Straight to Tampa. Tori: Home Yay!! Joe: Your Safe, Your Loved, And Have a Tribe that Stands behind You No matter What. You Also Have a Fantastic Husband to. Lets Get You Out Of here. Back at the Hotel: Tori: Babe, Can You Help Me Change. Jon: Of Course Love ! Pair of My Boxers and Wife Beater Okay? Tori: Thats Fine Love. They Fall Asleep. The Next Morning: Ambrose wakes up before Tori. Joe: Gym? Jon: Yeah! At the Gym: Nikki: Hey Joe, Jon Hows Tori? Joe: She's Finally on the Road to Recovery, She Cared More about Her Match than She Did Herself. Jon: Its my Wife! After Winter, She Threw herself Into her Carrer. Raw, Main Event, Smack Down, UFC then Back at it, for the Both of Us, This is what We've known. She Finally Let the Octagon Ring Go after Breaking Lesnar's Arm with His own Move. Some Days I still Think She Deserves better. Joe: Jonathan Lee Good Get Your ASS Back here. You Leave my Sister, I won't Have one any more, She Lost You Once and She Spiraled, Drinking till She Blacked out, Jey is the Way He is because He's the one that Found her on the Floor with Blood Surrounding Her. The Reason She Took Time off was because She was Training in Texas! She Had No Contact with Nobody till She Made a Come Back the Night Punk Had Issued an Open Challenge and Tori won Her 4th Championship and Held it for 21/2 years While we were in NXT! When She Came Down to train Us, She Had You Flatt out on the Matt in 3.2 With a Rock Bottom. Don't mean to be An Ass Ambrose, But You Need a Reality Check! You have a Loving Wife, and now a 5 month Old Son in Tampa with Your Other Brother in Law! Don't Make me get the Twins down here and have them give you Stink Face! Jon: NOPE! I'm Good, Rather Deal with Hunter's Pedigree! Steph: Ambrose, Reigns, Bella! Heads Up Ambrose Hunter's not the only one who Knows that Move! Joe: Your Right Steph, My Sister Knows it to! I'm Not Telling Her What you Said Because She Will Turn Against Us and Join Steph, Hunter, Kane and Randy! Jon: Deff Not, Don't Need her Hitting me with a Chair! I'm Sorry Man. Joe: No Problem, But I'm ready to Head back to the Hotel and then Head Home. At the Hotel: Colby: How are You Tori? Tori: In Some Discomfort, Would Really like to Sleep but I know we Have a Flight to Catch! You Coming to Florida with Us Lopez? Colby: Of Course You And Ambrose need the Help! I'l Wake You when Jon and Joe come in! Tori Falls asleep again. Jon: How's My Wife Lopez? Colby Just went Back to Bed! Want me to Wake her So You Can Help Change her and we can head to the Air Port? Joe: I got it! Joe Wakes his sister up. Tori: Time for me to Get dressed? Joe: Yup Then we have a Red Eye straight Home! 1st Class Tickets! I'll Get Your Husband! Tori: Thank You and I'm Sorry I'm Side lined like this! Joe: Look at me Sis, This isn't Your Fault! You Didn't know! The Doctor did a lousy Job Closing the wound! This Time, A better Doctor fixed you and Your healing the right way! Let Me Get Jon to Change You! Jon: Hey Love what do You Want to Wear? Tori: Grab my Yoga Pants, Uso tank, and my Shield Sweat Shirt, Then Joe can toss my hair into a pony! Once Home Can We Lay Moxley in the Bassinet in the Living Room, and You, Colby, My Brother and I have a Movie Day! Jon: Sure thing Baby Girl! Tori: I just Want to Cuddle with My Husband Right Now! And Attempt Not to think about work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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