Part 11

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Jon: I want to Baby Girl, Mox is causing your back to Spasm and We know were the Muscles are acting up is where you've had more than 20 blows to the back with a steel chair and a kendo stick. My Advice is after Mox is Born see a Doctor about your Back. I'm talking to Hunter Monday about taking a leave of Absence with You and return back to the Ring when you Do! I know you hate being Alone that's why I'm Choosing to do this! We take turns Getting up in the Morning, Maybe Steph will Allow Us a Nanny or Something. Tori: Nah, Remember I've got Jimmy and Jey! Jimmy's a Dad so When we have a match I can Ask Him, Trin or Nikki and Brie! We have to Figure out God Parents! Tori Eats and Relax's. Jon: Maybe When She's at her Appointment Tomorrow I Should ask them if She can Get a Professional Massage and spend time at a Spa. Joe: You Do that. You Truly Love her with the Whole of Your Heart? Jon: I do Man seeing her in Pain, Kills me. Hard to believe out of the three of us, I'm the 1st to be a Dad, Propose and Get married! I Know and Respect the Fact that she's Your Sister! I treat her like a queen! Roses Bought when I find some I Like, Chocolate Covered Strawberries, The Occasional Jewelry here and there. She's Bought me stuff and Just randomly puts it in my Suitcase! She is an angel. She's healed me and will Make sure I don't end up like my Father! She and Winter were the Reason I got and Stayed Clean from Drugs and drinking! Joe: You've changed because You have someone t olive for, Has been there before and After. Remember She has been were you have been! I've seen Her at Rock Bottom with Vodka and Whiskey Bottles all over the Floor. She Got Clean and Trained non stop. This Pregnancy scars the crap out of Her. She's Scared the Same thing is going to happen to Mox that Happen to Winter. My Sister is way to strong for the both of us! The Dryer beeps and Tori goes ans unloads the Dryer of Her and Jon's Clothes and puts her Brother's clothes in the dryer. Tori: Colby any laundry bring it down Now! Colby: Alright Thanks Tori. Tori: No Problem Just put them in the washer and have Jon Come here and carry the laundry basket upstairs. Colby: Jon, Tori wants you, She's in the laundry room. Jon: Thank You Colby! Jon heads into the Laundry Room. Tori: Hey Babe, Can you carry the basket of clean clothes upstairs for me? Jon: Sure can love. While we're at your Apt Tomorrow I'm going to ask and see if You can go to the spa! My Treat! Tori: Thank You Love! You don't have to pay for the spa! Jon: I want to. You save your money for your Dress and we will split the cost for the wedding! Tori: Thank You Love! I Love you! I'm scared about being a mom again! I'm scared the same thing is going to happen. Jon: Come here Love. Nothing is going to happen. I'm always going to be right there. We are going to have to get moxley a passport though. Tori: Can Do Love! I figured We plan the wedding when I'm on Maternity Leave. Jon: Okay Babe. I'm Talking to Hunter at Raw. Tori Hugs Jon and Heads upstairs to Fold and Pack. After Tori Gets done She goes downstairs and grabs her frozen Yogurt and eats a small dish. She Goes takes a shower and changes into a pair of Jon's Boxer shorts and one of His Wife beater shirts. She lays down and plays Jon's United States Win Match and falls asleep. Jon: Alright You Two I'm going to Shower then go Cuddle with my Baby Mamma. Joe: Alright, Remember Her Apt tomorrow at o'clock. Jon: I won't She'd Kill me If I forgot.I don't feel Like making her Mad. Jon Climbs into bed with Tori. Jon whispers: I Love you Tori. Tori Curls up Next to Jon and He places a Hand on the Baby Bulge. Tori Instantly Falls asleep.

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