Part 14

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A Couple Weeks Later at Monday Night Raw, Steph: You Okay Tori? Tori: Nope, Reigns Get Ambrose My water Broke. They load Tori on the Strecher. Joe: I don't mean to bug You Jon and John but They Loaded Tori into the Ambulance, Her water Broke Looks Like Your Going to get your Birthday present! Cena: Give me Dirty Deeds, WIn the Title Ambrose! Ambrose Wins the Title. Ambrose: Thank You Cena! Cena: Go be the Longest Reinging Champ again! Jon and Joe get to the Hospital, They See Tori, By 7 Am December 7th Moxley Joseph Good Was Born weighing at 6 Pounds 7 Ounces 14.5 Inches Long. Tori: Happy Birthday my Two favorite Men! I'm not going to be able to please you Tonight I'm Sorry Jon. Jon: I could Care less about Sex! Our Son is Here! Our Family! Thats the Best Birthday Present I got was our Son! Joe: I'm so Proud of You Sis! Jon helps Tori with Mox! Jimmy: Hey Cuz where's Our Nephew? Tori: Give me a Min. Jon Helps again. Jon takes the Burp Cloth places it on his shoulder and Burps Mox! Jon: Here is Your Nephew born at 7 o' clock this Morning the best Birthday Present I could Ask for! Jey: He's got a Mixture of Tori's and Jon's Eyes a Blue Grey! Natural or Epidural? Tori: Natural, was To far along in Labor, I was Having Contractions all Day Yesterday but they were to far apart, Till Jon was about to go against Cena for the Us Title, then my Water broke! The Doctors want me home to Re coop and Heal! Hunter: Hello Tori, Ambrose, How are you? ,Tori: Sore, but If things go right I'm being Released tomorrow and then can I take my Maternity Leave? Steph: Yes! The Day of Your Wedding the Entire Roster has it off! We will all be there to watch you get married! A couple Weeks Later: Brie: You Ready? Tori: More than Ever, Can you Go get my family please? Trin: We're all right here! Leati: Hey Princess want to Prey? Tori: Please? They Do their Thing. Joe: This is for you! Tori opens the Box. Brie: Oh My God! Tori: How did he? The note said: Baby Girl, Your my world, in this box I hope you enjoy them that's not the only thing in the box! Underneath I figured those would be better for our Reception! I Love you Tori Marie Anoi'a. Nikki: What did He get you? Tori: Customized Shield Heels for my Wedding and Customized Knee High Converse that say Mrs Dean Unstable Ambrose! Joe can You help me put this on please! Joe: Sure thing Princess whats in the locket? Tori: a Family picture of Him Winter and I then a New one with Moxley! I have my Angel with me Now! Trin: Places People! Leati: Let Get you to your Husband Princess! They say their Vows. At the Reception: Ryder: Now introducing Mr and Mrs Ambrose! Tori: Thank You Ryder, Before we Start We Normally do the Family Dances Jon, I know This is a Tough thing for you so Mom can you please come up here, You've been apart of this Family Jon since you Met my brother! Joseph, As Your Sister I want to say thank you from the Bottom of my heart for bringing my Husband, Best Friend, Soul Mate and the Father of my Children into my Life! My mom thought of Jonathon as another Son, I've been through a lot, I became a young Mom, then I sadly had to lay our Daughter to Rest! On the 4 year Anniversary My brother new I wasn't okay, He went and got Ambrose for me! Our Daughter's passing was sad but our angel brought Us back together and Blessed Us with a Son! This Dance is For you Jon! Joe: You did a great thing Tori! How though? Tori: Mom Volunteered to do this. Joe: Alright Now its Time for the Father/Daughter Dance! Sister, I'm Proud of who You have become! Jon Held You up when Your World came crashing down! He Saved you! Jon Man, Thank You From the Bottom of my Heart You Saved my Baby Sister! Our Family loves the Both of You! Now Sis go have that Right full Father/Daughter Dance! Few Weeks Later they are all backstage at Monday Night Raw!! Hunter: Hello Mrs Ambrose!! Tori: Hey Hunter what Can I do For you? Hunter: Get Ready Dean's Commentary You Have a Title Match! Against Brie for the Woman's Title! Tori: Thank You! My Ring Name Request went through with out a Problem? Hunter: Your Now Known as Tori Unstable Ambrose! Tori heads back to the locker Room and Changes into Her Ring Gear tapes her Hands and Finds Roman! Roman: Whats Up Sis? Tori: Hold That Engagement Ring Like Your Life Depends On It! Roman: Promise Now Go Win That Woman Title. Show the Diva's Division that Your No Longer an Anoi'a but Your a Good! Your Still Going to Show the Samoan Dynasty proud Remember that! As Our Father Gave You Away We Gained a Brother who Treats You Like a queen! Now Go Unstable on Brie! Tori: Got it! A Few Minuets Later Backstage: Brie: Great Match Tori! Sorry Daniel and I couldn't be there! Tori: No Problem You were Needed a home! Roman Recorded the whole thing or at least part of it, Seth Filmed the other Half! If you want Grab Daniel, Nikki and Cena and meet me at the Hotel, We all check in and I can Hook my Lab top up to the Tv in mine and Dean's Room and You can Watch the Wedding! Brie: Thats Nice of You, Thanks Tori! Do Hold that Belt with Justice! Tori: Thats my Plan! My Hubby Has a Match Against Kofi for the United States Championship Tonight! I'm Thinking New Power Couple? Brie: You guys would Rock It! Now Go Shower! Tori Heads back to the Shield's Locker Room! Dean: Hello My Beautiful, Sexy Wife who is Now the Woman's Champ! Tori: Why Thank You! Now go down there and win that US Title Babe! Want me Commentary? Dean: Sure Love Want to Change? Tori: Can You Help Zip my Dress? Dean: Sure thing! Tori Puts Her Dress and Her Customized Shield Heels! Dean: I'll Help You Over the Barricade. Tori: You seen my brother? I'd Kindly Like my Ring Back on my Finger!

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