Part 4

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 Joe: No Man, Since He's Gone Hollywood She spends more Time with My Family or with Rikishi. Her Time Off Consists of Jimmy and Jey Training her. She spends a Shit Ton of Time in the Gym. We believe She could take on Lesner in the Ring but that F-5 is Dangerous.  Jon: I bet. She should get together with Nikki and Brie for a Girls Day, Then Get Her, Aj, and Punk Tickets to Comic Con. Her Friends Miss her.  How Are Jimmy and Jey?  Joe: Hard To Say, They Try not to being up Jey's party because its the night it Happens, No Body but Jimmy, Dwayne, You and Myself Knew She was pregnant. Jimmy Knew when She started destroying her room that something went wrong. Jimmy's a dad so he had a feeling something  Happens to Her Daughter. You,  Colby, Jimmy, Jey, Trinity, Nikki, Brie, Aj, Nattie, Punk, Cena and Bryan are the only People She's Super Close to! I mean She's Close to Hunter and Kane to. She Has been through Hell in Back. Tori is the only one who can get out of Triple H's Pedigree.  Jon: I will Admit Your cousin is my Best Friend and I'm Glad I've Got her back this time. She keeps Me sane.  Joe: That is the truth, I remember when She tried Coaching you once. You ended up flat out on the Matt.  Jon: Very Funny, But Hey She taught Us a lot and got Us those Title Shots along with going for a belt herself. Teaching Her Dirty Deeds was Fun Though! I love her Man. Her Breaking like this Is Killing me. How Do I help her?  Joe: Your Helping Her by Being Here, Loving Her, Not Harping on her or Fighting with Her. You and Tori will Slowly heal Just remember The Good memories That you all have. She might be my Cousin but I treat her like a Sister. I'll Call Nikki Tomorrow, You get a hold of Punk and Aj. Colby can order the Comic Con Tickets and Nikki and Brie will Help Set up the Girls day! We do this Tomorrow while Her and Colby are off getting their Hair Done.  Jon: Sounds Like a Plan. I need Nikki's Help anyway! She knows Tori's Taste in jewelry and can help pick out the Ring. Joe:  Holy Shit Is the Lunatic Fringe Getting Ready to Settle Down?  Jon: Yes Man!! Tori has been the one for a long Time. We have been through a lot together always there to make each other Stronger. I'm Asking her at Summer Slam She's Scripted to Win! I want to do this. I'm Not Taking a chance of Loosing Her. How do you Feel Knowing I'm asking your Cousin to marry me!    Joe: Honestly Bro, Your Doing the Right Thing! You Both love each other. How are you Going to Ask Her? Jon: Simple In Front of the Entire WWe on  Monday Night Raw Or waiting for Summer Slam.   Joe: Wait Till Summer Slam. My Cousin's mind  is to Focused on her Matches Right Now. She Strives to Bring Great Entertainment to Her Fans! I'm Proud of Who She's Becoming. We Act more Like Siblings than Cousins but that's because We were Close Growing Up together. You Have been there when her Parents failed her along with her real brother. My mom took care of Her that's why Me and her are so Close. For her Loosing Winter was a nightmare for her, She Loved That baby Girl With every Piece of Her Heart, Watching Her Lay her Daughter Down was The Worst day I have Ever Seen her In. She is Slowly Starting to Accept Winter is Her Angel! You Being Here and Helping her is Amazing! She has stopped Harming herself the day you walked into her life. For awhile She was Staying with Jimmy! Jey Is still Upset about every thing that Happens! I'm Going to talk with Tori Tomorrow about Her talking to Jey..

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