Part 12

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The Next Morning, Tori Wakes up and heads down to make breakfast. She makes up some french Toast, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee and Orange Juice. Jon comes down and Tori instantly hands him a cup of Coffee. Jon: Morning Love. Sleep Well? Tori: As Long as I'm Next to You then Yes. Dinner tonight. Its Casual wear. Colby can Have left over Pizza. Jon: Alright Love. Jimmy and Jey Going to be there to? Tori: Yes! Remember I'm Samoan. I go By Anoi'a more than Johnson . I really Don't Acknowledge Dwayne as my brother. I refer Joe and Rosy as my brothers and Leati Sr as my Father. Joe's Mom Raised me because my Biological Mom Couldn't handle me so She Dropped me off at Joe's house and was raised in their House hold. My Real Family Hates me. Joe's Family Practically Adopted me. I just Changed Names at 18 to make my Life Simple and forget about my Screwed up Life. Later that Night at Dinner: Leati Sr: How are you Tori? Tori: Jon and i have a Couple announcements to make. One is We're Engaged and Two We're Expecting a Baby Boy. Leati: I'm So happy for you Baby Girl, I'm also Proud of the Both of You! Tori: Daddy It would mean the world to me if you would give me away? Leati: It would be an Honor to walk You down the Isle. Jon, You continue to Make our Princess Happy. Jon: I will, I'm talking to Hunter Tomorrow about taking a leave of Absence with Tori and make Our Return Together, I figured We could Get Married During Our Time Off, We're in the Middle of Planning the Wedding Now While Tori works with Nikki and Brie Bella to plan the Baby Shower. The Nursery is Repainted, The Crib, Changing Table, Dresser, Rocking Chair, Mobile and Baby Monitors are being Reused! We just need to buy the Crib Bedding, Carset, Stroller, Diaper Bag, Breast Pump, Bottles, Pacifiers, Diapers, Baby Shampoo, Diaper Rash Cream, Baby Towels, Wash Clothes and a Suitcase. Tori: Babe, You and I can Share one, Mine I can use for my Shoes and our Son Moxley Joseph Good, Our Work out Gear can Share the Same Duffle Bag Because I just Borrow A pair of your Shorts and a T shirt and Just change and Shower at the Hotel. Mary: You Two think of Everything Don't you Love? Tori: Yes and its Going to Work out because When we Make Our Debut Back I will Become the 4th Member of the Shield, I've been working with Creative, Hunter, Steph and Vince on this for a while, because at Wreastlemainia, Ambrose Here has a Shot at the Intercontinental Title, Jimmy and Jey also have a match against the Rhodes brothers for the Tag Team , Roman has a Chance for the WWe Heavy Weight Championship, Rollins for the Untied States, Aj for the Diva's Title and I myself have a Title Shot for the Retired Woman's Title! I've been working with Creative the past 2.5 years on top of all my matches because on that same night I have a No DQ Match against Ziggler! Joe: Thats Awesome Sister. I'm So happy for you! Now those Title Shots? Tori: You three are getting them because You all deserve them, not because I wrote the Matches and how you all win. Either way My Carrer is on the Line with bringing back the Woman's Title. Dean: What Do you mean Love? Tori: It means if I Loose,I hang up my Boots for Good and become Creative/ Personal Assistants. Leati: Thats Not Fair. Tori: Its okay Dad, Maybe I'm Not good enough to Carry OUt the Samoan Dynasty in this Company. Dwayne was Right about me Belonging in the WWe! Maybe I can go Back to the Octagon were I was Something. I'm Sorry Dad, Joe, Mom, Uncle Rikishi, Jimmy, Jey, Rosy and most of all You Babe. Joe can You Bring Ambrose Home please. Tori gets in the car ad heads home. Seth: You okay Tori? Tori: No I;m Not, I just want Ambrose and to Make a Point in the WWE that I Deserve to be there. Tori goes upstairs and lays down. Joe and Jon walk through the door. Jon: Were's Tori? Seth: Your Room. Jon: Baby Open Up Please? Tori: Its Unlocked. Jon: Look at me Baby Girl, You are Something in this Company! Come WrestleMainia I will Win the Ic Title and We will become the Most Talked about Power Couple and you know Something Else, We'll be Married when we win! Tori Sniffles and Jon wraps his arms around her. Jon:I Love you! We will Figure all this out! Relax and Sleep, I'll Be Right back. Tori: Okay love. Jon walks down the stairs and goes into their office. Hunter: Hello Ambrose, What Can I do for you? Jon: I need a bit of Help Here Hunter, Tori Said Her Career Is on the line with the Woman's Title is that True? Hunter: Hell No, We're bringing that Title Back because Vince, Steph and myself Think and Know Tori Deserves that Belt Just like We're Swapping Yours and Reigns's Matches at Wrestlemainia. Your Going against Cm Punk! Reigns against Cena for the Heavy Weight and Rollins for the Intercontinental ! Matches are set in Stone! Already Talked to Cena, Punk and Kofi! Why Who Told Her that her Career was on the line? Jon: I'm Assuming Dwayne, Is there a way we can stop him from being there? Hunter: You Leave that to me and Vince but Yes! I'm Guessing You want to Make a comeback with Tori after the baby is Born? Jon: If thats Possible? Hunter: You Got it! THe other two can Return with you! I'm guessing when Tori Comes Back it will be Mrs Ambrose? Jon: Yes! As soon as Moxley is Born We're hoping to have it. I'll talk with TOri about getting the Wedding RSVP out Now! Hunter: Go back ti your Fiance! See You Monday Night.

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