Part 13

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Jon left the Office! Jon: Rollins, Reigns Get your buts Down Here! Seth: Whats the 411 man! Jon: Just got off the phone with Hunter Regarding WreastleMainia! Our Matches have been Switched! Joe: What Do you Mean? Jon: Reigns Your Going against Cena for the Heavy Weight Title, Rollins your Going For Intercontinental Title, I'm going for the WWe Championship that Punk Has! Colby: Holy Cow! We're really Climbing the Ladder what about your Girl? Jon: She's Got her match for the Woman's Hardcore Championship Belt, and You two make a comeback with Tori and I after Mox's Born. Joe: How Did You manage that? Jon: Hunter Figured why Just have you two be there with out me? The Four of Us Come back as a better shield! Besides Three more Raws, And SmackDowns then My Queen is On Leave. Tori: I Love you Jon and Mox but After this its either Condoms or I'm going on Birth control. The Ob said Right after Mox is Born I can get the Implant put in my Arm! Then if We want more Kids I can Get it Removed. I'm Pumping for Mox! Three Days after He's Born my Butt will be down Stairs getting in Shape might never make it back Post baby Body! Jon: Get the implant put in love. As Soon as our Son is Born Passport. Tori: I know Love, When We get Mox's I need to Change Mine! Don't Stress Jonathan Lee! Your On Break from Working. I have the Wedding RSVP ready for Monday Night! Nikki's Planning the Baby Shower! Now Excuse me Please I need to get into our Office and Start the Process of Changing my Last Name on Somethings. Tori Gets into Her office and Slams the Door and Gets her Lab top Turned on and starts Designing Dean's Wedding Band. She Prints out the Design along with an idea for Seth, Dean, and Roman and sticks them in her Bag. Colby: Where are you Off to Tori? Tori: Jewelry Store want to come along? Colby: Sure thing, Hand me the Keys. They headed to the Jewelers. Ann: Hey Tori, What can We do for you? Tori: I have a couple Designs that I need done. One can Take a Bit because its going to be my Fiance's Wedding Band! Ann: Let me See the Designs! Alright Tori, Give Us maybe two Hours and those Dog Tags Should Be Ready! Now Am I going to Make one for You? Tori: Yes But Mines a little Different, I want mine to Look like a Real Dog Collar with Some Bling on the Collar. Can I get the Price? Ann: I'm Discounting it all Maybe $350, Want to Pay Now? Tori: Yes! Thank You Ann! I'm Going to Need Your Help For Dean's Wedding Present, I want to get three More tags made for Dean at Somepoint! One's Going to be the Day of Winter's Birth and the Day I Lost Her, other one being Baby Moxley's D.O.B, Weight, and Inches and Lasty our Wedding date. Now the Hound ones I have their Ring Name and the Date they Started and Premiered as the Shield? Ann: Yes! I'll Get our Designer to start on the hounds for you! Want yours Done to? Tori: Sure! Ann: I'll Text You once there Done! Tori and Colby start to look around the mall. Colby: Alright Tori Spill what did you just do? Tori: One I designed Jon's Wedding Band and two its a group Surprise! Two hours later Tori Picks up the Surprise for the Group. Tori: Good, Anoi'a Get Down Here Now! Jon: Whats up Babe! Tori: I got a Surprise for you all! Tori hands them each a box! Joe: Sis, These Look amazing but what about Hunter? Tori: Hunter Approved of the Sketch, merch is creating some to sell to the Fans! Yours all are Personalized! Flip it over and look at whats been inscribed! Jon: Baby I Love it! Did You get one Made? Tori: Yes but Mine actually Looks like a real Dog Collar! Tori pulls out Hers! Jon: It reminds me of the one I gave you when you were in FCW! Tori: I'm taking the Tag off the other one and clipping it to this one under the hound of Justice Tag! Does everyone like them? You can Get more Tags made! I have three in the Works for Jon! Jon: Baby! Tori: I Hope Your Going to Like them! The tags all have meaning to US! One Has meaning only You, Joe and myself understand NO offense Colby! Colby: No Problem. Joe: You didn't Tor? Tori: I did, Ones Having Winter's birth and day we lost her! The other one is going to be Moxley's D.o.B Weight and Length then Finally the day we got Married! Jon: Baby Those Tags are going to be the Important ones! I love you and I know Designing Winter's was hard! Tor: It was a bit hard but I've come to accept that She would be Happy with How things are! Her Early Passing and the Anniversary is what brought us back together for a second Time! Now Look at were we are! Engaged and Expecting! She's our Angel! Who Blessed us with Moxley! Joe: I'm Proud of You Sis! It takes a lot of Faith to say that! Jon: I Love you! The Three of Us have been through Hell Together but Some how we always make it through!

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