Part 7

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 They Head Up Stairs to Throw on some pants and Shoes, Tori Grabs her wallet and they head downstairs. Joe: Where are you Going? Jon: Taking Tori to the Er to get Checked out and Figure out why She's throwing up all the Time. She already took a pregnancy test and it came out Negative, Tori Rushes to the Garbage pail and throws up again. Tori: This Is Ridiculous the Consist Throwing up, Sleeping at weird Times During the Day, They Add up to me because these are the same Symptoms I had with Winter, Guess its Time to Go get Looked at. They head to the Er so Tori can get Looked st. They Do a Pregnancy Blood Test and they Rush the Results and while They wait they Do a Sonogram and hear a heart beat. Jon: I'm Going to be a Dad. the Dr said: From the looks of the date and how strong the heartbeat is Your around 5.5 months Pregnant with a Son! Tori was speak less. The Nurse came in with the discharge Papers. Jon: You okay Love? You were Shocked when the Doctor told you! Tori: I am Shocked and Happy. They head to the pharmacy to pick up the scripts and head back to the house. Joe was still in the living Room. Joe: Whats Wrong Tori, Tori: Get Ready to be an Uncle Again! Joe: Congrats Sis and are you and Jon Happy? Jon: I'm Happy! She's 5 and half months pregnant with a boy. Tori: Time to Repaint the Nursery. I haven't stepped foot into that room in a while. Its Going to be Hard! But Have to Get Ready to Welcome Moxley Joseph Good! Joe: Your Giving your Son my Middle name? Tori: Yes, Your  very Important to Both Jon and myself! Your Like a Real brother to Me. Jon: You have seen Both Tori and I at our Worst Points. You Never judge us Neither. We would also Be Honored if You would be the God Father! Joe: I'm Honored! Ready to Tell Hunter and Steph Monday? Tori: Yup! No more Matchs Till Moxley is Born. Going to be chilling in the Shield's locker Room or in Catering! Trying to Eat Right, Keep Fit and Make Sure Mox is Born Healthy! Jon: When's Your Due date?  Tori: Right around Your Birthday or Exactly on your Birthday! It would be a great present if Moxley was born on your Birthday! I love You Jon For Now, Forever and Always! You Were my 1st love! Jon: I love you To baby Girl! I can't wait to Welcome home our Son into the World! Joe: I can talk with Jimmy and Jey and have them help with the Nursery if you would Like? Tori: Thanks Joe, I want to paint the walls Blue, The Furniture can get Painted Black.

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