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Third person pov

You woke up to the shower running in lovley white sheets that smelt like vanilla. You clocked that the person's house you are in is Joe's. The shower stopped running and the door opened. Out of the small room came Joe with wet curly hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. Looking down, you noticed his print and you saw it went quite far down. Trying not to stare you noticed him coming your way. "Morning princess", he pecked your lips and you smiled to yourself. "Morning, did you sleep well?" He sat next to you drying his hair, "yeah yeah, I slept fine. And you?" "I slept great. What time do we have to be out of here by?"  He told you the time you had to be out of the door by then you got up to get ready.

After your shower/brushing your teeth, you got into your clothes for the day - which was a white shirt that had a little nike logo on it, black joggers, and black high top converse platforms - and detangled your hair and put it in two french braids with edges so it doesn't dry out. You made your way downstairs and saw Joe drinking coffee and eating some toast scrolling through his phone in silence. Carefully and as quiet as you could, you went behind him and yelled in his ear "JOSEPH". He jumped almost dropping his phone and then rubbed his face before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Put me down you pagan!" He threw you onto the couch and sat on top of you holding your arms.

"Don't you ever in your life scare me like that again! I almost had a heart attack you silly girl!" You couldn't stop laughing this was so hilarious. "Joe if I didn't say you looked hot yet silly sat on me right now i'd be lying", he chuckled then got off you. "Alright we need to leave now c'mon."
"What? I haven't even ate anything yet!" "We'll get something on the way there don't worry."

On the set

You sat near Gaten as you two were watching some other people film. For some reason you hadn't seen Joe since you two got out of your trailers and it's been almost 2 hours, and he wasn't on set. "Gaten, where's Joe?" You asked while whispering as others were filming a scene.
"Uh, I don't know he's here but I think he's doing something somewhere." Your eyebrows furrowed and you sipped your hot cocoa. The scene was nearly over and Gaten spoke again, "y'know. You and Joe are a really cute couple. I don't know why you two didn't get together sooner its been months!" You smiled and then turned to talk to him. "I don't know, I guess we were just to... nervous to tell each other how we felt y'know?"
He nodded and then tapped you saying Joe was coming our way. The scene was finished and you scolded him saying, "where the fuck were you! I haven't seen you in almost 2 hours you didn't tell me or anyone else where you were!" He gave me a hug and said, "sorry darling I was in my trailer doing something."

You rolled your eyes slightly and leaned your head on your hand. He sat next to you and rubbed your upper thigh while whispering in your ear, "are you mad at me darling?" You knew you couldn't be mad at him forever. "No.. no I'm not." His fingers drew circles on your thigh and he asked in a husky voice, "are you sure you're not mad at me baby? I can make it up to you if you are." You breathed in through your nose and closed your eyes. "Yes Joe. Im sure, one hundred percent." "Hm. Okay, whatever you say precious."

"Hey uh, guys. I'm still here y'know I don't want your guy's pda filling up my system." Joe chuckled flashing his teeth and said, "don't worry we won't have sex right on the spot." He said whilst tapping you on the back. You kissed him quickly on his jawline then stood up to go to the toilet. When you came back he got up to give you another hug that made youse sway side to side. "I know you're still mad at me, I'm sorry for not telling you my wearabouts." "It's okay I forgive you." "Promise?" "Promise." He gave you a passionate kiss and put a few strands of hair inbetween his fingers and curled them about.

You, Natalie, Joe, Keery, and Maya were filming the scene where you were travelling out of the upside down using a rope.

Nancy was conversing with dustin through these glittery light particles.

"Does anyone know morse code?"
The group says no. "Does.. does SOS count? Is that.. Is that good?" Everyone looked around confused.


Dustin put a matress down on the floor for when everyone travelled through both the universes.
Everyone looked at Eddie in a strange manner. "Those stains are uh... I- I don't know what those stains are."  Robin climbed the rope first and landed on the matress quite rough. Everyone looked at each other to see who's going next. "Alright I guess I'll go." Eddie climbed the rope and landed on the matress roughly with a grunt. "That was fun. Shit!" Someone helped him up and it was your turn to go next. You shrieked as you landed on your back and Eddie helped you up. Steve was about to go up next until he noticed Nancy couldn't move and looked like sje was in a trance. "Nancy? Hey hey! Nancy? Stay with me Nancy! Nancy Wake up!"


You made your way to Natalie and Maya. "Natalie you did so good! Your acting skills were on point!" You told her, "thank you so much! Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Keery is having a pool party this Saturday at his house. He's inviting us, Caleb, Millie, Noah etc. Wanna come?" "Sure I don't see why not? What time?" "Its gonna be from 2 - 8pm then he's gonna have a lil after party kinda."
"Okay cool, I'll make sure I'm there. Joe's coming right?" Maya responded to my question, "yes of course. I thought you two were coming as a duo?"
"Yeah we are now that I know. Anyways I'll see you guys tomorrow I'm so tired have a good night's rest!" You kissed them both on the cheeks then you went and got changed. You felt as if you could just collapse and go to sleep any second.

When you left your trailer you noticed Joe coming your way. "Hey pretty!" You smiled at him then asked if you guys could get going. Hand in hand youse went to his car and he started to drive. You both decided on goinf back to his house and ate some leftover food from yesterday since cooking again was a long process.

"Xar, tomorrow we can have a day in or something since we don't have to film anything tomorrow okay?" "Say nothin'. Tomorrow we should actually watch a movie since we didn't last time." "Yeah that's fine. Right you can go to bed now since you're clearly tired but I'll stay down here for a bit since I have a bit of work to do." You nodded and kissed him goodnight then slipped into his soft bed.

You then clocked that you're in love with possibly the kindest, and most handsome person on this earth right now. You were on cloud nine.

Once again I didn't do a spell check on this. I'll probably do a staying in chapter tmrw then after that I'll write two more chapters on set or something then we'll go on from there!

Tysm for reading guys


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