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The next morning you were getting ready with Joe to go to a photoshoot for British Vogue. You were really excited and you'd be experimenting with different looks; some you had tried and some you hadn't. "Joe come on we need to get going!" You yelled out while rumaging through your bag making sure you had everything. He came through while fixing his hair saying, "alright alright let's go. My baby is gonna be on the cover of vogue!" Joe gave you a kiss on your head then you two left your hotel room. The pair of youse went out to your ride where your agent was waiting for you. "Hey girl! Get in our appointment is due in 20-30 minutes", you slid into the car in the back next to Joe while your agent - Ivy - talked go you about how the day would go and what you were doing. About 25 minutes later you made it to the building where you'd be for the next 5-8 hours. Since you had to do an interview after your photoshoot.

You met Andrew (a/n idfk who tf andrew is i j pulled that name out of my ass) who'd be taking your photos, then you met May who'd be interviewing you. "Hey, I'm Andrew and she's May. Pretty sure you know our purpose and what we do. Soo we have some inspo pics in your makeup studio you'll be getting ready that will be the outfits you'll be wearing today. If you need anything just let us know we'll be down the hallway!" You nodded and gave them both hugs and you went into your studio to start getting ready as Joe and Ivy followed you. Inside you met your makeup artist and hairstylist that got started on you as soon as you sat down. You all conversed until your first look was done. A pink corset top, blue jeans that were unzipped until roughly your crotch area, and transparent heels that had white straps that wrapped around the bottom of your jeans. You also had some colourful necklaces and waist beads as well as clear earrings that had glitter chunks inside. Your hair was in a half up half down with a fringe.

You went outside to the set and Joe saw you then walked up to you immediately. "Oh my God they did an amazing job on you princess! You look lush!" You smiled at him and said, "thank you babe. We have so many other looks left so just wait until you see those", you said while slightly smirking. He leant down and gave you a passionate kiss before Ivy interrupted, "alright love birds that's enough. Xar, go up there and model your tits off." You stopped kissing Joe and chuckled at her statement then walked off to start modelling.


You were on your last look before having to do an interview for the next 2 or 3 hours before being able to leave. This look was something you wouldn't really something you'd wear as if was very... Eddie style. The outfit was a black tight spaghetti strap shirt that had some rock band on it, a black latex skirt mini skirt that came a few inches under your butt, large scale fish nets, and block heeled platforms. And your hair was out in it's natural state (curls/afro). You looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to get yourself to like this outfit. "Xar! You look amazing!" You turned around and saw Ivy complimenting your outfit and your boyfriend basically drooling at you with his jaw dropped. "I don't know... It's not my style and I don't really like it." Joe looked baffled, "what do you mean?! You look sexy and fabulous and just...everything!"

You smiled shyly and went over to him to give him a kiss. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist and said, "you look amazing alright? Don't say or think that you don't." "Okay I won't", you said while smiling like a child. "You guys have such a cute relationship I want it!" Ivy said while awing at you both. You both laughed and he put you down carefully as you all walked onto the set. Andrew took alot of photos of you, hyping you up with Ivy and directing you what to do. At the end he took some bonus photos with your co-workers and other people. You took some with Joe and you both put up devil horns and stook your tongues out like Eddie.


You finished the interview and the shoot and you were starving. "Guys I'm so hungry can we go get something to eat?" Everyone agreed with grabbing some dinner at a local diner. You were all sat down inside and you heard some distant camera clicking. You looked outside to your right and saw some paparazzi right outside of the windows snapping pics of the three of you. "Um guys.. I can't lie, there's some paparazzi outside." They all looked in the direction the clicks were coming from. "Oh my fucking God not this", Ivy said as she rubbed her temples. You decided on asking one of the workers if you could all go upstairs to eat and they kindly said yes. You were all so relieved and knew there would be no problems there.

You all sat down again and your food and drinks came through shortly. Every now and then you and Joe tried each other's foods and it was almost like Ivy was third wheeling. You all finished eating and decided on having a day out since it was a nice day and there was nothing better to do. Since the city centre wasn't far the three of you went shopping for a bit, and because you knew Joe liked up and down by the vengaboys you took him into a vinyl store and got him one of their vinyls. Ivy also got some vinyls for herself and you did the same. You got a Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse vinyl then a Tyler the creator and Doja Cat cd of one of their albums.

"Guys do you think we should go to the park or something since it's still light and warm out?" Joe suggested, you both nodded and said yes then got a ride to the closest park. "We should watch the sunset together in a bit, you get the best views in this park y'know." "I think Joe's really excited to show us alot of stuff around here to be honest." You chuckled at Ivy's statement. An hour or so later the sun started to set and you sat inbetween Joe's legs and rest your head on his chest while fiddling with his fingers. The feeling of knowing you had Joe all to yourself and being with him in that moment made you feel like you were on cloud nine.

He stroked your hand using his thumb and kissed your lips every now and then. "Those clouds are absolutely gorgeous.." You whispered while gazing at the white clouds floating around in the orangery purple sky. "Not as gorgeous as you", your boyfriend said in your ear in a low whispering voice. "Awe. Thank you my love."
You all stayed in the park for a little longer until people started leaving and everything became a bit more quiet.

About 30-40 minutes later you and Joe said goodbye to Ivy as you left the car and walked up to Joe's door. It had been a chaotic day at first but ended as a calming night with your best friend and boyfriend. You got into your pajamas and walked infront of your lover. "I really liked the way today ended", you said to Joe while getting in bed. He followed shortly after you in his boxers. "Me too. We should really go to the park more often or just go to quiet places in the evening and just... Walk around and stuff." "I totally agree", you replied while getting close and snuggling with him. He played with your hair a little bit causing you to fall asleep because of how relaxing it felt. "Goodnight princess." He said while switching off the lights and getting comfy next to you.

I didnt know how to end that once again. this was also really boring towards the end again so sorry ab that!! i think i might end this story at chapters 25-30 or something and then i'll get on w my eddie munson story which i know alot of you guys are looking forward tooo!

tysm for reading!
eid ul adha mubarak!


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