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You and Joe were outside of your parent's house waiting for them to answer the door after knocking on. You noticed Joe constantly rubbing his lip indicating he was nervous. You touched his hand and smiled trying to tell him there was nothing to be scared of and he was gonna be alright.

Your parents opened the door a few moments later and your mum's eyes basically glowed at the sight of Joe. She went over to him and gave him a big warm hug and started greeting him. She gave you a hug and a kiss afterwards then you and Joe both walked inside. Your parent's house wasn't really that big as their house was a bungalow which fit both of them. Your mum told your dad in the other room that his daughter and her boyfriend had finally made it. Your father came through with a girl and a boy that came in shortly after.

"Xar!" Your dad brought you in for a hug and you kindly accepted while smiling. Joe went over and shook his hand, "Alisane, Ali for short. And your name is?" "Um, Joseph, but you can call me Joe." You giggled to yourself at what your boyfriend said. It sounded so cheesy in your opinion. Everyone introduced themselves to Joe and vise versa including your siblings who were getting along well with Joe. You had a sister - Xandile (yes you and your sibling's names all started with the same letter), and a brother - Xavion. Your sister was the youngest, you were the middle child, and your brother was the oldest.

Joe was an only child so you thought that might've been one of the reasons he got along so well with your siblings. Instead of having dinner inside your parents did a little barbecue outside since it was a nice day out and you all spent the day in the backgarden and ended up watching the sunset together. You were going back inside to go to the toilet and Joe came up behind you. "Hey darling where are you going?" "I'm just going to the toilet I'll be 2 minutes." He said alright then came up closer to you. "Y'know, you have an amazing family and I'm really happy we both met each other and our families." Smiling you responded, "I am too.. I love you Joseph", you said the last sentence while wrapping your arms around his neck and inching closer to his neck. His face came closer to yours and your lips both connected like magnets attracting.

Your lips moved together and you melted in each other's arms. He placed his hands on above your waist and placed your back up against the wall. He was about to take your shirt off until you stopped him, "babe no, remember we're still at my parent's house. Plus I still need to pee so we'll leave in a bit since you're already in the mood."
"Alright but be quick I want to spend some more time with my woman", he said while winking at you while you walked away.

You spent alot of time with your family that same day and decided it was time to leave even though you didn't really want to because you missed the feeling of being with your siblings and actually having long conversations with them like you used to before getting famous and having to almost always be away from them. "Bye mum bye dad! Also tell Xand and Xav that me and Joe said bye too." "Alright will do bye sweetheart!" Your mum replied while waving at you both.

You both arrived at home and you went upstairs straight away to get into your pjs and get your ass to bed. Although you knew Joe still wanted to finish off what you sort of started at your marj's house. You were in the middle of removing your makeup when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. "Princess... Don't think I forgot what happened earlier." You smirked at the sound of his voice that had turned from a sweet loving tone to a flirtatious sultry one. "Hold on let me just remove the rest of this", you said while quickly rubbing your eye makeup off. You were finally done and said to him, "alright I'm done. Now we can- ah!" You were cut off by Joe throwing you onto his shoulder and dashing you onto the bed.

He quickly took his white tee off and threw it to the floor beside him then lowered himself down and kissed you roughly. You could feel the coldness of his metal chain tapping your chin as he lipsed you making sure to get his saliva all up in your mouth. He quickly flipped you over in a swift motion and growled in your ear, "I'm about to fuck the shit out of you."

The rest of the night was filled with passionate yet somehow rough love-making-sex. Making your orgasm every few minutes underneath, beside, and on top of him. The shit this man did to you was insane.

Sorry for this being so short this was a filler tbh and im so tired so its not the best thats why its really rushed.

Tysm for reading and make sure to vote on chapter 10 (i'm pretty sure) if u want me to make an eddie munson story once i finish this book (which should b soon </3)


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