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(A/n!! First of all, I don't think this chapter will really be that dragged on si there's a disclaimer)

Joe pulled out your chair for you before you sat down (like the gentleman he is), and took his seat infront of you after. The waiter came and gave you your menus to order what drinks you wanted. After getting your drinks you chose what meals you wanted and waited for them to come. In the meantime, you and Joe talked for the whole time, flirting with each other like you were high school kids. Whilst talking and sharing your love for each other he held your hand and stroked his thumb over your knuckles. You looked up at him and you caught each others eyes. He blushed slightly and you looked to the side, hiding your wide smile.

Soon after, the waitress brought over your food and you both started eating. You both rambled for ages about random stuff, and things about each other for what felt like years. Not knowing why, you felt as if this day really connected you to him. He took you out all day, and you two had deep, funny, and sweet convos the whole day especially now. You checked your phone and realised it was getting closer to the time where you two would have to leave so he could show you your surpise. Your stomach turned slightly as you got really nervous. Joe noticed how you looked and quickly asked if you were alright, you responded saying yes and that you just felt nauseous for a few seconds.

While you were talking to him you noticed how adorable he looked and decided to take a quick picture of him -

While you were talking to him you noticed how adorable he looked and decided to take a quick picture of him -

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"Oi! What was that for!" He said while chuckling. "Oh stop you look cute, like a little puppy or something", you said while looking at the masterpiece on your phone. He looked so delicate and you were so happy to have him all to yourself. It was almost time to go so you both got a quick desert to share then payed with a tip and left the restaurant. You held onto his arm while walking outside to get going.

You snuggled up close to him in the car while he traced his fingertips on your back making you feel tired. He nudged you making you jump slightly then he helped you out of the car. He wrapped his arm around you and you two walked into the entrance of a stadium of some sort. You furrowed your eyebrows without saying anything because you were genuinley confused and because you didn't want to question what he did incasd it came off as rude. You two carried on walking and you were right it was indeed a stadium. You looked further into the distance and saw there was people sat on chairs with instruments; ah an orchestra. This was so odd to you and you couldn't clock what was going on.

You two carried on walking a bit more until you were in the middle of the astro. Joe started to speak as he held your hands.

"Xaria. First of all, I just want to say that I love you so so much. You mean the absoloute world to me and I never want to leave you. You're such an amazing person and you do no wrong and you have an amazing personality. You make me absolutely crazy for you and I'm so deeply in love with you. I hope we never leave each other's sides no matter what happens." You were basically tearing up at what he just expressed to you, and you couldn't form any sentences. "So to show some of my love for you I put together a video of us, that has many different clips from different times." You managed to choke up an 'alright' then he pointed to where the screen was and wrapped both his arms around your body as you turned to face the screen.

The screen turned on (although still black) and up came a text -

For my beloved Xaria Grace
- Joseph

'White dress' by Kanye West started to play as clips of you and Joe started to play. There was also some photos slipped in as well. Tears were trickling down your face. Nobody had ever treated you the way Joe did and you felt like the only girl in the world. He always made you feel special no matter what and protected.

The video ended and you heard cheers and clapping behind you. You turned around and saw both of your's family and friends sat in the rows of the stadium. You noticed your mum crying which broke your heart. You waved over to them then they all started yelling 'look behind you!!'

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around to see Joe on one knee with a little box containing a ring, in his hand. The screen turned on once again showing you and Joe (so your family/friends could see what was going on). You were baffled but realised it all added up. "Xaria Grace (y/l/n).. Will you marry me?"

The waterworks really started to come in and you responded, "yes..yes of course I'll marry you!" He put your ring on while smiling widely then stood up to hug you. He hugged you for a good moment or two then pulled you into a passionate kiss. Fireworks and sparklers started to go off and the orchestra started to play. You heard cheering once again but your main focus was Joe.

You were getting married.


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