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A/n: I just want to say that this story is my very first one and the rest of my story's are not like this one. They are way more interesting, so give a shot. :)

You'd been friends with the Wealsey's for a while now. It all started when you met Percy all those years ago on the train. You were a transfer student and transferred (and started) at the begging of the year so you didn't have to catch up on any work. You were a grade below the twins, which from Percy's perspective, were trouble makers. But after all these years you made friends with them, and it's more like the triplets now. The twins invited you to their house, also known as the burrow, all the time. In fact you stayed there most of the time during holidays and summer. Your parents were always busy going on business trips. They made sure to send gifts back to you such as diamond earrings or a pearl necklace, but it was never enough. All you wanted was to see them again, you wanted them to love you like Arthur and Molly love their kids. It often made you sad because you loved them so much, to the moon and back. You did hide your sadness though, you didn't want anyone to know what you did, they thought you had everything when in reality, you had very little to nothing from you parents.

"Ah! What in Merlin's beard is going on!?" You started walking out of the bathroom from a nice long shower to be covered in a very sticky substance, and then covered in feathers. You were at the burrow for the summer and the twins have been playing many pranks on you as usual.

"Oh my! Sorry Y/n we thought it was Ron in there, we were trying to tell him how much of a chicken he is around Mione," Fred spoke quickly, they started laughing a little at the thought of Ron being covered in feathers. Then they looked back at me, the one who was actually covered in the feathers.

"Suuure, you two just can't get enough of pranking me, are you sure that message wasn't for me." I glared at them, I was a little upset since I had just taken a shower.

"Why would it be? You don't chicken out on anything, and I mean anything. Your not afraid to rewrite the wrongs or say what you feel. Your definitely an open book." George just looked at me with laughter in his eyes while he said that. He wasn't wrong but he wasn't right either.

I was definitely an open book kind of person, but there were some things that I never brought myself to tell anyone. Like when I get upset because of my parents and there's one other thing that I definitely chicken out on. It was my feelings for George. About two years ago I'd realized that I started growing fond of him in a different way, I started to like him, and for two years now I've had a crush on him. I'm just so afraid that if I say that to him, he'll be grossed out or something. I feel like he thinks of me as his little sister like Ginny. If I tell him and he does think of me that way it'll be even more embarrassing, so I just kept it to myself all this time.

"You boys make me laugh, anyways I'm going to go take another shower because of you." I chuckled a bit and then headed back to the bathroom. Was I mad at them yes, but what else was I expecting? They do this on a day to day basis and I'm just used to it by now.

I turned around and went back into the restroom. I usually take 30-45 minutes to shower which is odd I guess but this time it was ten minutes then done. I was already over it, besides I had to hurry I told Molly that I would cook and clean since she was a little under the weather today. I usually cook now, everyone says that my cooking is way better then Molly's but I beg to differ. Ever since I started cooking Molly cleaned the house during her spare time. I was used to all those house held chores since I was always alone at my parents house, about age six I learned how to sweep and do all those sorts of things. Then when I was eight I learned how to cook for myself, a family, or a party. I really loved cooking when I was eight, but I grew out of it when I was fifteen. That's still enough time to learn just about everything there is to know about the home life I guess.

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