ʏᴏᴜ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ!: 𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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I was on my way to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, although it was the last place I wanted to go, I had something that I needed desperately. You see George and I used to be a couple, one of the best might I add. We were always together, in fact I think he spent more time with me then his actual twin brother. I thought he was the one but after a couple years he broke up with me, he wouldn't even tell me why. Which made me no longer trust his words, I thought they were all lie's, so I had to live the next and last year of Hogwarts alone, in the dark and forgotten. My 'friends' sided with George instead of me, saying it was better to be a Weasley's friend then a Y/l/n's. Saying it had more 'benefits.' Either way I made it through school and got a good paying job after I left, I didn't need anyone I could live on my own, besides it's always proved the best way for me to survive... Right?

I started heading through the doors of their store, breathing in all the aromas that filled the air. I looked around and the place was filled from miner and harmless pranks, to different types of love potions. For a few minutes I was smiling and looking around everything, forgetting about the one particular thing I needed, but it could wait. I was wandering around not even noticing one very tall, red head, figure looking at me and following me from a distance. I picked up one of their weaker love potions and looked at the label.

"You planning to spell me with that Y/l/n?" George suddenly appeared out of the corner of my eye, laughing internally, but his face could show it. I was surprised though, after all this time of never talking, waving, or glancing each other's way, he finally came up to me and all he could say was that?! I was furious but I had to keep it in, there was something very special that we needed from the Weasley Twins. The Ministry, which is where I work, gave something very valuable to them to keep safe, here at their shop. Of all people I don't know why it had to be the twins but if they trusted them so could I. It would help start a conversation if I knew what this magical item was but the Ministry held back the urge to tell me. All I had to do apparently was tell them why I was here and a secret 'word' that would let the twins know it was the Ministry.

"Not in the slightest Mr. Weasley, I was thinking about using it on a rat since it's clearly better than,"I paused, eyeing him up and down, glaring the whole time, "some people..." I put the potion down turning towards him, then I walked off to find Fred. I'm sure George knew I wanted something, so he didn't retaliate, and just followed me, which was quite annoying.

I found Fred and without any hesitation I took him by his arm and dragged him into their office, George following closely eyeing me on. I could hear Fred's comments while I continued dragging him into the office.

"Merlin's woman! You could have just said something and I'd be following you already! No need for the violence." Fred rolled his eye's and brushed himself off, as if he was being dragged through mud.

I rolled my eyes glaring at both of them, I wanted to get the item and get out, just as quickly as possible. "Oh enough! There is no need to be over dramatic, I just came here to retrieve something for the Ministry, I better not get any more attitude!" I was upset, I don't know why, they usually never made me upset. It was probably because of me a George's break up, it really put a damper on me, a hole in my heart.

"Okay so you're telling me, after everything that just happened, giving a rude snarky comment to me when I asked a simple question, dragging my brother into here without an explanation, and then yelling at us, is somehow us giving you attitude?! And now you have the audacity to tell us to give you something that's for the 'Ministry!?'" He put air quotes around the word Ministry, which made my blood boil. I was on the edge of the line, I swatted his head, he knew how angry and upset I was, not just about their attitude but our relationship, but yet he still persisted. "Ouch! Hey!! You do not get to disrespect me like that at MY OWN SHOP!!!" He roared angrily, I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little frightened, but he deserved it so I stood my ground. "Look Y/n, I understand your upset at us, at me, but I just asked a simple question about the love potion, it was meant to be funny..." He looked at me sincerely, I could tell he was sorry, but I wasn't. After all this time, he couldn't even tell me why he broke up with me. That's where he went wrong...

"Exactly George! Not only am I upset with you... But I'm also, sad and angry, and distraught! Don't you remember!? You broke up with me! ME!!! Then you have half a mind to ask me if I was going to use that potion on you, it's been about two years George! Two years of never looking at each other again, never smiling, laughing, waving, hugging, kissing, anything!" At this point I was in tears, after all these years of holding them back, they finally came out, "Two years I pondered the question, asking myself if I was good enough, two years without an answer of why you broke up with me..." I looked away trying to find the words in my clouded mind, he really had know idea what he meant to me, and how much it hurt me when he ended things.

"So yes George... I have the audacity to ask you for something from the 'Ministry,' because if you ever kept in contact with me or at least noticed me, you'd know that I work for the Ministry, not only do I work for them but I'm one of their most important resources and assets. Not only do I have the audacity, but I have the right! So yes, I can disrespect you in your 'own shop' because after all the hell you put me through, karma finally said I have the right, the right to do anything I want to you!"

I finally turned around to see an upset George, tears in his eyes, and an awkward yet still sad Fred. I felt bad that Fred had to listen in on everything we just said, but I guess he too needed to know what happened to me. I glanced away heading towards the door to the office, I couldn't stay here anymore, not after what just happened, not after what I just said.

"Y/n-..." I heard George start to speak but I cut him off almost immediately, I couldn't bare to hear his voice one more time.

"No George..! You've shown me who you are, why would I need to know again. I'll send someone else in a few days to retrieve the... The thing..." With that I left, tears rolling down my cheeks and face. I really did love him, even after all these years, and that's why I couldn't stay. I didn't want to hear his hurt voice, I didn't want to fall in love with him again...

I left through the final doors, I walked into the street crying, holding myself tight, telling myself in my mind that I would be alright. Then I did something I shouldn't have done, I looked back. I looked back only to see a hurt George watching me walk away slowly, there were no tears in his eyes anymore, just guilt and sadness.

I glanced at him one last time, and that's when I broke down, I broke down in the middle of the street, not only was it not safe but it was winter! The streets were slippery with thin ice sheets covering the streets like a blanket. I slipped to the ground holding my face, sitting on my knees, I couldn't handle it anymore. It wasn't just George, it was being forgotten in the shadows, after he ended things people acted like I never existed, or they've never heard of me. I thought it didn't hurt me, but I've never been more wrong in my life.

I just sat there crying, tears in my eyes, some frozen to my face, I didn't have a very heavy coat, because, well I thought I'd be inside most of the time. That's when I felt arms wrap around me, I didn't look up I was just frozen there, like a moment in time where nothing moves, and you just feel like it's you. It's you who's the only person to really exist, who feels no one else knows what you've been through. After a few minutes I was lifted up without any warning, that's when I looked up to see George who was carrying me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. I let the night take me away, I let the dream world enter my mind, because for once I felt safe, and it'd been a long time since that ever happened. The last time it did happen was with the same person.

Little did I know that the next morning would be something that shocked me more than ever, it changed my whole perspective on George.

A/n: Sorry if this one sucks, I'm a little tired, my friend made me watch a horror movie, which by the way, hate horror movies. It kept me awake for a while so I'm half asleep rn, I feel like this should have a part 2. So comment if you want part 2, I will not do a part 2 if no one comments me to do so, so the choice is completely up to you.

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